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The recent reports of looting of trucks carrying food items on our highways and cities are warning signals of the looming anarchy and turmoil which Nigeria faces in the foreseable future if drastic measures are not taken to address the serious cost of living crisis facing majority of Nigerian citizens. The most recent of these reported incidents happened last Friday in Dogarawa, a suburb of Zaria in Kaduna State where residents looted cartons of sphagetti from a parked truck of BUA Company. Such a behaviour looked from any angle is simply criminal, wrong, and need be addressed squarely.

Yes, there is hunger and hardship in the land. Yes, there is poverty in the land, and the ruling elite have weaponized poverty, which has made citizens trade their votes for a pack or two of spaghetti as we saw in last year elections. Despite these, we in the Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) caution the ordinary Nigerians not to allow their weaponization of poverty make us criminals to the extent that we loot what does not belong to us.

The PRP expresses its deep concern over the escalating prices of essential commodities, which have made life unbearable for the masses if not most Nigerians. We therefore call upon our industrialists such as BUA whose truck was looted to exercise empathy and reason by taking immediate steps to bring down the prices of these goods. It is crucial for businessmen to understand their role in society and prioritize the welfare of the people in their dealings. Afterall the dollar price which has been used as an excuse to hike prices has come down and yet the market has not seen immediate downward review of prices though we withess immedate upward review of prices, once cost of dollar goes up.

The PRP will next urge all levels of government, particularly at the national and state levels, to promptly implement policies and interventions that will alleviate the suffering of the masses. This includes addressing food inflation, creating employment opportunities, and ensuring the equitable distribution of the palliative resources which we have seen a few states done but most are simply pocketing the additional resouces that have come their ways from both petrol subsidy removal and merger of exchange rates.


The PRP believes that the looting incident in Zaria is a symptom of a larger problem that requires collective effort and commitment from all stakeholders inclusive of our industrialists and the business community. We call for a concerted effort to tackle the root causes of such incidents and to work towards a more just and inclusive society.

As a political party dedicated to the principles of fairness, justice, and progress, the PRP remains committed to advocating for the rights and well-being of all Nigerians. We reiterate our call for unity, understanding, and responsible action from every citizen and institution in addressing the challenges facing our nation.

Comrade Muhammed Ishaq,
Ag. National Publicity Secretary, PRP.

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