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Reflections on Adaji’s Impactful Leadership

By Efe Ovuakporie

Time flies, they say, especially when you are engaged in meaningful work in a positive and supportive environment My journey at the National Boundary Commission (NBC) under the

leadership of Surv. Adamu Adaji has been a testament to this adage. From the moment I received my marching orders from the Federal Ministry of Information to join NBC, under the interim leadership of Surv. Adamu Adaji as the Ag. Director-General, I knew I was stepping into a transformative period.

I vividly recall a moment in August 2021, shortly after Surv. Adaji received his official letter of confirmation as the Director-General of the Agency. he called me into his office after the official close of work, a rare occurrence in our bureaucratic setting. With the letter of his confirmation fresh in hand, he entrusted me with the task of issuing a press release. In his characteristic nature, he advised that I waited until the next day before doing so but I politely told him that by then the news would have become staled.


This decisive action set the tone for his tenure, instantly uplifting spirits within the agency and among well-wishers. As the first term of DG Surv, Adamu Adaji approaches its conclusion,

speculation naturally abounds regarding his future whether he will

secure a second term or be made to gracefully step down. The position of DG spans four years, with the possibility of reappointment subject to higher authorities’ decision-making process.

Over the past years, Surv. Adaji has exemplified transformative leadership, significantly advancing boundary management in Nigeria. His commitment to excellence is palpable, evident in his hands-on


approach and strategic vision for NBC’s sustainable development. Under his stewardship, policies and actions have consistently aligned with NBC’s mandate, fostering a conducive work environment that promotes team-work and individual initiative.

Surv. Adamu Adaji has not only served with distinction during his tenure but has also achieved significant milestones in critical areas.

One of his hallmark achievements has been the effective resolution of numerous boundary disputes, contributing to regional stability and co-operation by demarcating Nigeria Cameroon and Nigeria – Niger international boundaries. The tensions along several interstate boundaries had been doused with the Commission’s intervention processes. His expertise and diplomatic finesse in handling these sensitive matters have garnered widespread acclaim.

Additionally, under Surv. Adamu Adaji’s leadership, there has been a notable improvement in staff welfare and training programs. Thank God, under his watch, the Commission can now boast of a Christian Fellowship Worship Center for our christian colleagues. Recognizing the pivotal role of motivated and skilled personnel, he has implemented initiatives that enhance employee satisfaction and professional development. This strategic focus on human capital has not only boosted productivity but also fostered a conducive work environment.


In a recent interview, Surv. Adamu Adaji emphasized the importance of transparent governance and collaborative decision-making in achieving organizational goals. He highlighted his efforts to streamline administrative processes within NBC, which have led to greater efficiency and accountability.

Furthermore, his advocacy for leveraging technology in boundary management has modernized operations and improved data accuracy, crucial for informed decision-making.

The Director-General’s relentless pursuit suggests he is in competition with himself, continually surpassing his own achievements. His distinctive approach to resolving boundary issues combines home- grown formula with scholarly methods, setting him apart in NBC’s history of leadership.

It is evident that under his guidance, NBC has reached unprecedented heights. As the adage goes, “the reward for hard work is more work.” Adaji’s exceptional performance warrants recognition, and I hope his momentum remains unhindered.


A second tenure of Surv. Adaji would allow him to further advance the remarkable progress he has initiated at NBC.

As we anticipate the end of his first tenure, the question remains: will it be renewed or the end of a distinguished chapter?

Many within the NBC and the broader boundary management community eagerly await his potential reappointment, buoyed by the Federal Government’s “Renewed Hope Agenda”.

Surv. Adamu Adaji’s leadership has undeniably left an indelible mark, prompting reflection on the adage: “Why fix it, if it isn’t broken?” His tenure stands as a testament to the impact of visionary leadership in public service.


Mrs Efe Ovuakporie is Head of Information Unit of the National Boundary Commission, NBC, Abuja.

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