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Reps Summon DG NIMASA, Dayo Mobereola For Refusal To Honour Invitation

By Gloria Ikibah 
The House of Representatives has  summoned the Director General of the Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety agency ( NIMASA), Dayo Mobereola.
This is due to the failure of DG Mobereola to appear before the Committee for an investigative hearing after being duly invited on Wednesday in Abuja.
Chairman, House Committee on Federal Character, Rep. Idris Wase, who expressed his disappointment over the DG’s absence at the hearing rejected his representative.
Mobereola had sent the Director of Administration of Human Resources, Mr. Osembi Osigche to represent him before the Committee.
But the Committee Chairman, said Mobereola had not shown regard for the Committee and demanded that the DG must appear in person before the committee on the 30th of July 2024.
He said: “There are constitutional provisions guiding our own work.It is a constitutional committee, and it may interest you to know that every state or federation is represented by at least one person. So we are about 70, and I believe because of the enormity of the work going on, that’s why members are not sitting. And very soon they will begin to come in, in their numbers.
“The Chief Executive is not here. He has sent in communication to us to ask the question that the Director of Administration of Human Resources, Mr. Osembi Osigche, be allowed to represent him because of other official engagement. 
“There are some questions that we may ask that the representative may not be able to give. So I think it’s better we make sure that the Chief Executives is here before us. We agree to let you know that we’re stepping down your appearance as of today, and then we shall communicate also the next day for this appearance. And we expect him to appear personally. 
“I think part of my resolution, he has said he has respect for us. It’s a committee that is constitutional.But he didn’t even have the opportunity and time to write a letter and sign for us personally. He has to ask somebody to sign on his behalf. In an era of doing things and disobeying things that we have not done, I think if he really means the words he’s saying, maybe he would have signed that letter personally”, Wase said.
In his response, Osigche pleaded with committee to accept his representation as the DG was away for another national assignment. 
He said “We appreciate you and we acknowledge the seriousness this committee takes on this national assignment. As you rightly say, he should have signed, but I really wish he was available to sign. And he wanted to come in person.That’s to show you the regard he has for this committee up to the last minute. Of course, if he was still unavailable, he would have been able to do that. But because of the nature of the job, maritime, and international engagement, which took him away.But most importantly, I’m very sure that he will definitely be willing to be here on the next appointed date. 
“Once more, we crave the indulgence of this committee. To understand that he really loves to be here. And he takes this assignment seriously.Hence, he sent the highest-ranking person responsible for that activity to come here and put up this position. So, we crave your indulgence to be able to do so. 
“Whatever he went out there to do, we appreciate that the blue economy is important for the country to move forward. But the blue economy is in the front line because of the good laws that have been produced by the same National Assembly.So, he’s enjoying our good work. He should render his good account before us. There is no explanation as far as I’m concerned,” he said.
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