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‘How rot in LUTH led to US-based Nigerian’s de£th



In this article, the Editor-in-Chief and Chief Executive Officer of The Source magazine, Comfort Obi, recounts how Nigeria’s ailing, chaotic health system, typified by the rot in the Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos, led to the death of a United States-based Nigerian, Mr Olaleye Adenibuyan

Nigeria lost a patriotic citizen On January 24, 2024. It lost Mr Olaleye Adenibuyan, who died in circumstances that, at once, confounded, broke the heart, and put a big question mark on Nigeria’s healthcare system.

To not a few people, Adenibuyan’s death was avoidable if only the hospital where he died lived up to its assumed status of a teaching hospital.

Let me confess upfront so you don’t accuse me of being deliberately emotional.


Adenibuyan was my cousin-in-law. A fine gentleman, he was married to my cousin, Thelma. And we admired and loved both of them “die”, as young people would put it. Theirs was a relationship built on a solid foundation; a partnership rooted in time. They loved wearing uniforms and pranced around like teenagers who just fell in love.

Adenibuyan had served his country, Nigeria, as a police officer before he relocated to the United States of America in 1989. But that relocation never stopped him from visiting his beloved country, his beloved Ondo State, and his more beloved community, Owo, two times every year. For him, it was a ritual. His love for Nigeria was that strong. And each time he visited, he bought more local fabrics for uniforms for himself and his beloved wife Thelma. In their local fabrics, they promoted Nigeria’s culture, and fashion.

So, this year, 2024, as usual, he set out from his Dallas, Texas, USA base for Nigeria and arrived Lagos on January 14, 2024. Each time he and his wife came home, either together, or separately, they usually checked into a hotel at Ajao Estate. The Estate is close to the Lagos Airport. For the Adenibuyans, it was convenient as it saved them from the punishing Lagos traffic (we call it go slow) to the airport for a flight to Akure, Ondo State, en route Owo.

So, on January 14, Mr Adenibuyan arrived Lagos and checked into the usual hotel. Luggage did not arrive from the US and so, he needed to buy some things from a shop opposite the hotel. That done, as he climbed up the staircase back to his room, the devil stepped in. Tragedy struck. He missed a step. And fell backwards.


As he fell, the family was told, he hit his head on the floor or wherever. The impact was grave. He lost consciousness. And was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital. I cannot confirm what attention he got there. His state was beyond what a small private hospital could handle. So he was quickly referred to the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital, LUTH.

Established in 1961, LUTH is a tertiary hospital affiliated with the University of Lagos College of Medicine. It is a 761-bed hospital established to be a centre of medical excellence. To its credit are some of Nigeria’s best brains in medicine. Many of its products are those “making waves” worldwide. They were trained there. It used to be Nigeria’s pride. As were the University College Hospital, UCH, affiliated with the University of Ibadan, and the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, OAUTH, affiliated with the Obafemi Awolowo University, former University of Ife. And some more.

I don’t know about others, but LUTH has lost its status as a centre of medical excellence. It is now a shadow of itself; a shame to Nigeria. It has deteriorated. With Adenibuyan admitted there, we experienced, firsthand, the shadow LUTH has become. And our hearts broke.

The injury Adenibuyan sustained to the head needed urgent attention. It was a medical emergency. So, he was admitted to the intensive care unit – private wing, no less. Meaning the attention was expected to be top-notch. When one pays millions of naira, even as the naira has lost its value, the least one would expect would be first-class attention. But not here. There was nothing special. Patients were kept in what I choose to call “an open mini ward”. No privacy. No screen. When the question of some privacy was raised, the answer was: “It is because there is no general monitor.”


Once Thelma heard of her husband’s situation, she began to make arrangements to come home. She works in one of the biggest and best government-owned hospitals in Texas where she has risen to the position of director. So, once she was briefed on the prognosis, she knew she had to rush back to Nigeria. Her mission was to take her husband back with her to the USA once he was stable enough to fly.

Meanwhile, from the US, before she was able to secure a seat on a plane, she and the family rallied around to pay every kobo required, every kobo, directly and indirectly, demanded, officially or unofficially. No expense was spared.

But what did the family see at LUTH?

LUTH had no equipment. Nothing. After the millions of naira deposited, one still had to pay, separately, for soap and gloves. For a scan to determine the extent of damage to the head, Adenibuyan was taken to a private facility outside LUTH. Why? LUTH said its own scan machine was not in “a working condition.” A teaching hospital? The scan showed a lot of blood in the skull. Nothing was done. A couple of days later, LUTH declared triumphantly that the “bleeding has stopped”. The question we, as laymen, asked was: What about the blood already accumulated there? Our elementary understanding was that the blood “has caked there!” If true, we were nervous about the implication.


More surprises were afoot.

On January 17, three days after he was admitted, LUTH said Adenibuyan needed an intracranial pressure monitoring machine. But this teaching hospital does not have the machine. When needed, it was explained to us, it is rented from outside. Cost: N400,000. The family paid. But the machine was not delivered until January 19th. And when it was delivered, it was left by the corner of Adenibuyan’s bed for days, unused.

Perhaps, it was a coincidence, but the ICP monitoring machine was used only on the day Thelma arrived (24th) and began to ask questions. This was 10 days after he was referred to LUTH, and perhaps, 10 days after it should have been used.

Thelma arrived Nigeria at about 9.40 am on Delta Airlines and went from the airport to LUTH to see her husband. She waited for about three hours before she was allowed after which she incessantly requested to speak with his medical team. She wanted to know why the ICP had not been put in place as was revealed to her by Lekan, her stepson, who was in Nigeria for a short vacation, and her husband’s younger brother, Deji. She wondered why the machine was just lying down there. When one of the doctors finally arrived, he tried to explain. But given Thelma’s background, and where she came from, the explanation made no sense to her. She hinted so in many ways, but was, at once very disciplined and too distraught to argue. But finally, she was told another doctor who would do that was being expected.


The doctor, an unassuming guy, competent, calm, and collected finally arrived. We were sitting in the ICU waiting room when he walked past. Instinctively, and I guess, from his carriage, I knew he was the one, and I told Thelma so. She sent a message across that she would want to speak with him. Over an hour later, the doctor came out from the ICU and asked for Thelma. We followed him. And Thelma had a lot of questions and complaints. He listened, and said he had just returned to the country the previous day, and was seeing Adenibuyan for the first time, but quickly added “he is being attended to by a good team.” He explained to us where he thought he should, and apologised where he thought he should. For example, he agreed with Thelma that it was not right to intubate her husband without informing the family. He apologised it was wrong not to have carried the family along every step of the way. And then, calmly, he told us what the situation was, and the way forward.

He said Adenibuyan required an urgent surgery to release the pressure on the brain. He disclosed that the pressure was 61, far beyond the normal 15. This was what Thelma and Lekan consistently, subtly, suggested and appealed for a surgery to release the pressure to the brain. It would entail the removal of a part of the skull bone to allow the brain to swell and then, compress later to normal size. This should have been done, at most, three days after the unfortunate incident.


Anyway, better late than never, we consoled ourselves.


The time for the surgery was set for 4.00 pm. But again, a problem.

LUTH does not have a drill. The family was told “There is only one place to rent it. Cost N200,000. No problem. This was on a Thursday. The surgery was meant to be done immediately. But the rental place said, “The drill is not available until Friday afternoon”. Another vendor was frantically sought. He agreed to N180,000 and promised to deliver it against the 4.00 pm surgery time. Great. Our spirit lifted some.

But another problem.

Unbelievably, LUTH does not have more than two functional surgery rooms. So, there is usually a queue. Adenibuyan had to wait. One doctor, obviously frustrated by the situation told us: “Today two are functional. Tomorrow, Friday, only one will be available.”


So, I asked why: He told us: “We have 22, but there is no manpower. Doctors, nurses, and technicians must have left. If the 22 are open, there will be nobody to man them. Nobody. So, why keep them open?” We were appalled. Our hearts sank. But we held onto hope.

So, either as a result of the queue, or the unavailability, yet, of the drill, the surgery was shifted from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm. I left and told Thelma I would be back by7.00 pm. But just before5.00 pm when Thelma went in to see her husband again, his health had taken a nosedive. Even then, the man who hadn’t opened his eyes for 10 days, opened them once he heard his wife’s voice. She held his hands tight. “Baby, you know why I came. I came for you. We are going back together. I will put you on a flight. We go back together. Your treatment will be taken care of in the US. And, you will be perfect. We’ll be fine, you and I.” The three doctors Thelma met, and she told them the same thing. “I am going back with my husband. That’s my mission. To take him back to the US with me.”

That was not to be. While Thelma held his hands, and CPR was being performed on him, he gave up. He died in his wife’s arms.

Since Adenibuyan’s passing, too many questions remain unanswered about our country’s healthcare system. Take LUTH for instance.


It is not that there are still no qualified medical personnel, even with the exodus, but here is the problem. There is no medical equipment. The medical personnel are just managing, barely managing. Or, how does one explain that a teaching Hospital, LUTH, no less, does not have a functional scan machine, does not have ICP monitoring machine, or the equipment for drill?

It is the shame of a country. As I said earlier, it is not the problem of the medical personnel. I admit that the work ethic of a number of them is zero. Compared to what we see in some other climes, they need a re-orientation. There is no sense of urgency. At times there is no empathy. But I also admit that their work environment is a major problem. It is not inspiring. I admit that their welfare is a major problem. It is depressing. I admit that knowing what to do, and not having the equipment to do it is frustrating. One of the doctors who spoke to us out of frustration said: “You are talking about the equipment. Where is the manpower? Because of our situation, most of us have left. A number of those remaining are on the verge of leaving.” When I asked if he was on his way out too, he gave a knowing smile. I helplessly shook my head.

Since Adenibuyan’s death, regrets have been our food. Many “ifs”. What if he hadn’t been referred to LUTH? Perhaps he would still have been with us. What if LUTH had used the ICP machine as at, and when due? Perhaps, he would still have been with us. What if the drill was used at the time it should have been used, perhaps he would still have been here with us. What if some sense of urgency had been exhibited, perhaps, he would still have been here with us.

The Federal Government shamelessly laments what negative effect the ‘’Japa’’ syndrome has had on Nigeria’s healthcare system. It shamelessly tells us that 42,000 nurses have left Nigeria in the past three years. Why not? How has the Federal Government treated them? What have you given them to work with? Now, shamelessly, it is putting obstacles here and there to stop nurses from leaving. Why? My response is in one word: Shame.


Isn’t it a shame that the Nigerian government, from state to Federal Government which throws money around as if it is going out of circulation, cannot boast of one good government hospital except Lagos State.? I am reliably informed that Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LASUTH, affiliated with the Lagos State-owned Lagos State University, LASU, is very well equipped by the Lagos State Government. In our doubts at LUTH, one woman called us aside and asked: “Why did you come to LUTH? Why did you not take him to LASUTH? This type of injury is better handled there.”

We spend tons and tons of money, billions of dollars, trillions of naira, on frivolities, on things we can do without. How does one explain that $6.2m was spent, allegedly, without authorization, on foreign election observers when LUTH has no medical equipment? Of what use was the presence of the foreign observers to the masses? Did their presence stop us from rigging, from snatching ballot boxes, from doctoring results? Nigeria spent this money when LUTH had no medical equipment, not even a functional scan machine. How does one explain that the sum of N1bn was recently requested to enable a committee to fix workers’ salaries? Yet, our premier hospitals are empty. Can you imagine what that obscene request could have done for LUTH?

But back to Thelma. We don’t know how to handle her, or what to tell her. She is distraught. Disoriented, almost. Her mission to take her husband home to their “second country”, the US, blew up in her face. “Oh, your husband loved you to death. He waited for you to come back, to see you before he passed on. He even opened his eyes for the first time in 10 days once you arrived”, Thelma is told in a bid to console her. Where do all those leave her?

All she knows is that the Nigerian healthcare system failed her. Her mission to take her husband back to the US with her failed. She was, at a point, making inquiries for an air ambulance to evacuate him to the US. That failed. Ironically, what worked was taking him back to Owo in a body bag! Sad!!


Mr Adenibuyan, as your beloved wife fondly called you, may your soul rest in peace. May you find peace in the fact that you are finally, finally back to your cherished Owo.

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Finally, IGP approves hunger protests across Nigeria




The Nigerian police has finally approved the planned nationwide protests and outlined conditions for participants.

The Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, revealed this on Friday while addressing journalists in Abuja.

He urged all groups planning to participate in the proposed nationwide protest to submit their details to the Commissioners of Police in their respective states.


The police boss said this was to ensure the protest was peaceful.

Egbetokun said, “We acknowledge the constitutional right of Nigerian citizens to peaceful assembly and protest.

“However, in the interest of public safety and order, we urge all groups planning to protest to provide necessary details to the Commissioner of Police in the state where the protest is intended to take place.

“To facilitate a successful and incident-free protest, they should please provide the following information: state the proposed protest routes and assembly points; expected duration of the protest; and names and contact details of protest leaders and organisers.”


The police boss said the information expected from the organisers also include measures to prevent hijacking by criminal elements, as well as key identifiers for possible isolation of potential troublemakers.

By providing the information, he said, the police will be able to deploy adequate personnel and resources to ensure public safety.

He said the police needed to know the specific routes and areas for the protest to avoid conflicts with other events or activities.

Mr Egbetokun said the police will “establish clear communication channels with protest leaders to address any concerns or issues that may arise; minimise the risk of violence, property damage, or other criminal activity.


“We encourage all protesters to cooperate with the police, obey the law, and adhere to global best practices for peaceful assembly to guarantee a safe and successful exercise of their rights.

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Reps North-West Caucus Beg Youths, Citizens In The Region Not To Join Planned Protest



…commend President Tinubu’s development initiative
By Gloria Ikibah 
The North-West caucus of the House of Representatives have appealed to youths, citizens in the region not to take part in the planned nationwide protest scheduled for August 1. 
The caucus also appealed to the region’s citizens to give governments at federal and state levels more time to address their concerns, rather than joining the planned protest.
Chairman of the Caucus, Rep. Sada Soli, lawmaker representing Jibia/Kaita constituency, Katsina state, who stated this on Friday at a press conference in Abuja, emphasized that the region had suffered enough disruption and needed peace to restore its economy and social order
Rep. Soli explained that their stance to the recent signing of the North West Development Commission Bill into law by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, which they believe will address the region’s development challenges.
He highlighted that the commission would guarantee the rebuilding of ruined infrastructure, from roads, schools, health facilities and markets, to homes and places of worship, business premises and other social amenities.
The lawmakers noted that the commission would tackle the multidimensional crisis caused by violence and terrorism in the region, which has affected agricultural activities, trade, and social amenities.
While acknowledging the region’s overwhelming support for President Tinubu in the last election, they expressed trust in his commitment to develop the region and further urged the President to intensify efforts in addressing the security challenges still prevalent in the region and called for a broader security sector reform.
The forum said: “The sporadic attacks have since escalated into a multidimensional crisis that has hampered agricultural activities and trade, and turned some of the most industrious and thriving communities in the North West geopolitical zone into ghost towns as people flee their homes and become refugees.
“This has manifestly impacted on the famous cross-border trade and flourishing agrobusiness between the geopolitical zone and neighboring countries. Most of our border constituencies, which were historically vibrant commercial centres, with massive large-scale farmers exporting produce to various parts of Africa, including Niger Republic, Mali, and Benin Republic, have since been abandoned by farmers, importers and exporters, due to this wanton violence. As a result, Internally Generated Revenues in these states have been negatively affected.
“Politically, in voting so overwhelmingly for President Tinubu in the last election, the North West geopolitical zone had hoped that the famous Asiwaju, who had shown himself to be a patriot of the first order and a man who believed in fairness and equity, would make policy decisions that will bring development to our states by rescuing them from the evils of banditry and cross border terrorism.
“This Commission is, therefore, a tremendous boost to the valiant efforts of the governors of the North West geopolitical zone and it has further justified our trust in President Tinubu’s commitment to help revamp this geopolitical zone and place it on a sound pedestal. 
We must, however, appeal to the President to intensify efforts in addressing the security challenges still prevalent in the geopolitical zone particularly, and other parts of the country at large. A broader security sector reform will enable our people to return to their normal lives, leading to positive changes in economic development and social order.
“That is why members of the National Assembly, particularly members of the North West Caucus – and indeed other political, traditional and religious leaders in the North West geopolitical zone, do not support the scheduled nationwide protest planned by some elements to further disrupt the very delicate balance of the country right now. 
“We appeal to the peaceful and law-abiding people of the North West geopolitical zone, who have suffered enough disruption of their peace, not to join in this potentially destructive exercise, but rather to give governments at both the Federal and State levels more chance to look at the issues concerned”, he added.
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Reps Applaud FCT Minister, Wike On AICL Improved Revenue, Infrastructure



By Gloria Ikibah 
The House of Representatives’ Committee on Federal Capital Territory, Chaired by Rep. Aliyu Muktar Betara has commended the Minister of FCT, Nyesom Wike on the ongoing infrastructural development projects across the nation’s capital, Abuja.
The lawmakers during an interactive session with the Group Managing Director of Abuja Investment Company Limited (AICL), Dr. Moreen Tamuno praised her ingenuity towards improved revenue generation since assumption of office.
The GMD who presented her scorecard and strategy adopted to the committee, in the turnaround of AICL said that the company only manage the District markets not the entire markets across the territory.
According to her, Wuse markets is owned 90 percent by the individuals who bought the shops while AICL owns 10 percent.
She stated: “For example, Wuse market is owned 90 percent by the owners, we own 10 percent. What Abuja Management does for Wuse market is to manage the facility there through the toll taking which they do collect on our behalf and then they manage the facilities, they manage the refuse collections and they also work with the market association.”
Tamuno also disclosed that AICL cannot increase prices like other privately owned markets across the territory, noting that the prices adopted by AICL are controlled by the government.
She added that the Company is also managing part of the leakages envisaged such as monitoring these system of fares collection which was initially collected manually.
This, according to her, will help to tackle the menace of revenue leakages and help to pay dividends to FCTA coffers.
Responding to question on Abuja Properties, she noted that AICL is saddled with the responsibility of owning properties on behalf of the government. 
“Before I got here, apart from two regimes of el-Rufai and Moddibo, the rest regimes, Abuja Property was dealing directly with the Minister. So, we did not have a control over what Abuja Property does suffice me to say. But with the incoming of the new Minister he has streamline the system that all of these people will have direct reporting line.
“So, what they do or what they are meant to do is to manage estates, different cadres of estates for the Middle Class, for the High Class and and different kind of people and also declare profits and pay dividends also which has never been done. But in the last discussion last month, because of the new process that has been set up, they are committed to making sure that they will do this year, to declare dividend to AICL.”
On Abuja Transport scheme, she noted that “the Abuja AMMCO has been a little epileptic really. Because as we speak I think they have only about 84 buses and then most of the buses are not working. Before I came, I heard they are meant to sell but on our finding, we found out that the calibre of buses we have ASHOK were very strong bus and there was no need to sell, we would see how we could use some of them to repair others and have them running.
“So, they’ve not been able to break even, there are some epileptic problems that we are looking at to see how we can help them.”
On the Abuja Films Village, she said: “we heard the story of Abuja Film Village, even before I became the Group Managing Director, but suffice me to say that for 24 years nobody went to see where is this place. But when I assumed office all I was hearing is don’t go there they kidnap and all of that. But we were able to weather the storm to get to the point in Guzaki. We have about 3,000 hectares of land there, which is being encumbered already, we have mining is taking place there. We are working with FCT fortunately I did a memo to the Minister which he has approved graciously and set up an Inter-Ministerial Committee to know where our boundaries are. I saw miners on the plot he was really a tough place to go to.”
She explained that the Committee is expected to come up with the report to secure the parameters around the land and see what AICL could achieve there.
While noting that the entertainment industry is a thriving Sector, she explained that AICL has met some Stakeholders including Actors Guild who are already partnering with the company, with a view to stimulate the economy and create employment.
She noted that the company which was established over 30 years ago has metamorphosed to become an Holding Company is an investment arm of FCT and a Limited Liability Company, hence not in the Federal Government budget.
According to her, the two administrations ago set up other subsidiaries that suppose to work under AICL namely Power Launch which is a Leasing Company and Abuja Urban Mass Transit Company, Abuja Property Development and Abuna Market.
She added that AICL also has other subsidiaries namely Aso Savings, Abuja Tech Village where AICL owns 20 percent equity, and 6 percent with Abuja Intercontinental Hotel formerly known as Sheraton Hotel. She however noted that during the meeting held with the Hotel’s management, that the Hotel has recapitalized and gone PLC, thereby AICL share has reduced to 3 percent.
While noting that AICL is still in talk with Abuja Intercontinental Hotel since 3 percent is not sufficient to be on the board of the Hotel because it’s a nominal shareholder and could only go to General Meeting, efforts are ongoing to improve the system with a view to regularize the percentages of investment.
She noted that efforts are also being made to ensure that the company’s staff are well motivated by embarking on a lot of capacity building and to drive them to ensuring that we return dividends to owners which is FCT.
Dr. Tamuno who assured that the present AICL under her watch cannot afford to “leave FCT the way it was,” disclosed that her team has developed a “revolution in AICL. If you’ve ever been to the office before my resumption and you come now, from the gate you would know that there’s a change.
“We definitely are building bridges, we definitely are looking at how to reposition AICL and making progress. We’ve not had it good, thank God for the responsive Minister who listens and who’s ready to work to recapitalize. We have the muscle to weather what we are faced with.”
While thanking the lawmakers for the support and trust reposed in her team, Dr. Tamuno said: “Thank you Mr. Chairman for this opportunity to be able to tell you what Abuja Investment is all about but I want to reassure you that as your Junior Colleague, you can be sure that coupled with the fact that women want to do what we have to do, so we can sleep well. I will be able to do the needful and make cintei to FCT and of course to the renewed hope agenda of Mr. President, that I will do.”
Speaking after the AICL Group Managing Director’s presentation, Hon. Betara said: “As discussed with the Committee, you see a lot of members not you, before coming into Abuja Investment, but for us with the discussion we did to your previous team I told you, I was disappointed. Now I realize why the Minister of FCT is bringing in new hands into FCT.
“We know you, with the little time you came in, revenue has come up and we hope you’re not coming down.
“And I will advise you anybody that you’re not ready to work with, remove the person so that you can work well. The Committee is ready to support you and support FCT in general.”
On his part, Hon. Timilehin Adelegbe (APC-Ondo) who showered encomium on the new AICL management team led by Mrs. Tamuno said: “I met her when she was an Ambassador to Jamaica. I think in the whole Pacific she transformed Jamaica she’s very aggressive.
“So, when she was reeling out her achievements I think we have just seen little. What we need as a House is to encourage her and also urge her to do a holistic audit of staff who may be dragging you back which is very very important.”
On his part, Hon. Kanice More (APC-Imo), who applauded President Bola Tinubu for being gender sensitive in the appointment of women into critical sector of the economy, underscored the need to encourage the AICL Group Managing Director to achieve more fears.
He said: “I thank His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu for demonstration of gender sensitivity, inclusivity and friendliness in appointing a Lady, a Woman ans she has demonstrated capacity. I took time to study her, and I’ve listened to her, she started newly we should equally encourage her and I strongly believe that with more encouragement she will do more; and of course, to whom more is given, more is expected.”
Also speaking, Hon. Regina Akume (APC-Benue) said: “Madam, I want to thank you, before I’m seeing a spirit of its not my problem and it’s not my business, it’s government’s business, it’s not my business, that’s the spirit I’m seeing in here.
“And I want advise you all, that as long as you do not take property seriously, you cannot even make your own business because what a man sows he reaps.
“So, please government is for all of us. If you’re put there to do something, I know women are good managers, yes we women are good managers. So put all the broken pieces out them together and make us proud. That’s what I’m asking of you because there’s so much there that you can do. There’s so much laxity and it’s not right. The Chairman has said it, he net with you all, he will support them. But you must make him proud.”
While applauding the achievements recorded so far under the leadership of the FCT Minister, Hon. Betara said: “You have a Minister that’s a Lawyer, maybe that’s why you guys have improved.
“You guys need to improve. He doesn’t tolerate and if it is with law, he knows everything. So, for the Committee, if there’s anything we will require from you before we start the oversight, we are going to write you.”
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