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How my team secured $57 million for Water Projects in Ondo State, By Tunji Light Ariyomo



On Saturday 9th March 2024, scores of my friends and brothers from across the globe including the US-based talented visual artist, Sunday Oluwasomi, the scion of the late Olisa Raymond Olusoga (Prime Minister of Akure Kingdom) Engr Taiwo Olusoga, Aquinarian Tunde Aladenola, and a host of others called my attention to a negative counterclaim of an individual on one of my team’s best legacies in Ondo State. It was about our success in the financial closure of the sum of US dollars 57 million and the actual collection of the first tranche of the money into the purse of the Ondo State Government as well as my team’s accomplishment in securing AfDB first preliminary approval for an additional $112.72 million ($82.72 million for water, $20million for power, and $10 million in grant) whilst I served as the Special Adviser on Public Utilities, supervising Water Resources and Energy at cabinet level before my redeployment. Unknown to me, several other people who admire me had shared screenshots of the apocryphal claims with me via my Whatsapp inbox. My friend’s Dad, one of our political leaders in Ondo State, Chief Ademola Ijabiyi, was also very concerned and requested that it was important I be added to the platform where such dubious claims were made so I could lay them to rest. I was, however, encumbered with a professional assessment report that I had to submit on behalf of one of my mentees and could not react or respond immediately. I promised Chief Ijabiyi and the others that I would respond comprehensively.

In the interim, I did what was the most basic, I called witnesses! I left the duty of articulation of the roles played by my team to eyewitnesses who were part of the process. Today, there are at least one hundred civil servants who played one role or the other and are still in active service. So, individuals like Sunday Oluwasomi, Taiwo Olusoga, and Tunde Aladenola had the privilege of hearing truthful accounts of what happened directly from those who were involved. Even aspects of our patriotic escapades that I had forgotten were brought back to memory. Those who were directly and actively involved in the processes exposed the carefully orchestrated lies of those who desired to piggyback on the success of our sweat and have perhaps been surreptitiously deceiving others about their fabled roles. If individuals could outrightly tell bald-faced lies and deny what just happened only a few years ago where the hard records are still available and the dramatis personae are all alive, then this comprehensive account of what happened is necessary to set the records straight and for posterity.

For the benefit of the reader, the counterclaim against our legacy is that two commissioners under the previous administration of Dr. Olusegun Mimiko were responsible for securing the funds for Ondo State and that all our team did was get there, cash the cheques and begin to spend the money. The claim asserted that they brought in the sum of $75 million from the World Bank for the construction of the transmission mains of the Owena Multipurpose dam and its reticulation to the state capital. I hate to be seen to be addressing issues in a way that appears to pit me against Dr. Mimiko who is an iconic leader in the state in his own right. I will want this not to be misconstrued as that is not my objective. I am only setting the record straight.

Upfront, I herein state unequivocally that when I took over as the de facto leader of the state’s water project in October 2017 (by the Governor’s written directive, I covered the duties of the Commissioners in charge of Water Resources and Electricity Matters), I did not meet any record of the sum of $75 million World Bank fund whether in cash, cheque, bank lodgement, or approval-in-file. I concede that for about 8 years prior to my taking over, there were attempts to secure funds and several offers probably flew around just like I also got the first offer from the AfDB for $112.72 million. But offers are what they are. The real job is being able to develop the business case document, financial models, and ancillary technical documentation required to meet the conditions precedents attached to a serious offer. The serious efforts of those who laboured hard to achieve that must never be dismissed on the altar of cheap politics.


I must also hasten to add, that ever since I even left the water project, not a single kobo in new funds has been added to the state programme. In fact, the most anticipated fund in the state’s water sector today is the AfDB $112.72 million (now negotiated to circa $104 million) which is solely the benefit of the robust foundation laid by my team.

For the avoidance of doubt, the following individuals were part of my team on the state water project as of that time, Engr. Jimmy Akinrimade MNSE, then General Manager of the Ondo State Water Corporation, Engr. Steve Adesemuyi MNSE who was in charge of procurement, and Engr. Toba Akinde MNSE, who I later recommended to the Governor for appointment as the State Coordinator of the project. Other members of my team at the Office of Public Utilities (OPU) which had ministerial supervision of the Ondo State Water Corporation as of then, were Princess Abike Bayo-Ilawole, Engr. Olumayowa Ajumobi, MNSE, Mr. Deji Akinwumi, Dr. (Mrs) Tolulope Pius-Fadipe, Mrs. Doris Adekale, and others. I mentioned these names as they are all alive and well. These are mostly civil servants. They were committed to our success then. They supported me and were active witnesses to all that we did to secure the funds.

By the way, I was not “only part of the government negotiation team that held meetings with the World Bank and Federal Ministry of Water Resources” as claimed in one of the infantile comments, not at all. Rather, I was the leader of the Ondo State Government team that negotiated the funds with the French Development Agency (AFD), and the International Economic Relations Department of the Federal Ministry of Finance where an Ondo State son, Mr. Timothy Komolafe, ensured we were properly guided to abide by all due process requirements among others. My team simply fast-tracked the processes with our proactiveness and became the first state to execute the SLA on the 26th of March 2018. The claim that “(they) were at the point of accessing the money that (sic) (they) left the government and Akeredolu’s government continued from there” is therefore totally simplistic and untrue. No money could have been accessed by anyone without fulfilling all the conditions precedents, negotiation of terms, as well as the execution of the principal and subsidiary agreements. The agreement indeed marked the definitive period of the effectiveness of the fund for the state. My team delivered all these.

I can thus speak authoritatively about what the team I led did, how we did it, the amount of money involved, and why – at the risk of sounding boastful – what we did to secure that money within a limited time is purely the stuff of legends. Indeed, the last hurdle for us to cross was how to bypass the petition by a private company that had found a way to ensure that AFD inserted the settlement of its claim against the state government as a condition precedent to disbursement. Governor Akeredolu in the presence of the company’s representative gave me the carte blanche to resolve the issue. We took up space at the Heritage Hotel in Akure with the company and spent about four hours without success. They insisted on a payout of as much as N4 billion. It didn’t make sense to me. I reported to the Governor. Time was of the essence and I took permission from him to resolve it the way I could. All we had to do was convince the AFD to drop that requirement as a condition precedent. AFD stood its ground.


Then the epiphany dawned on me of a concept in law called the statute of limitations that we learnt as student engineers in our only introductory contract law class. The contract over which the company was imposing a claim upon Ondo State was already 9 years old. I immediately tried my best to again research the subject of the statute of limitations. The more I did, the more pleasant it sounded that I had found the holy grail as the contract was statute-barred. Having learnt proper legal referencing style from my former Special Assistant, Mrs. Babagbenga Alalade Esq, years back, I decided to produce a draft legal opinion on the subject. I focused extensively on Nigerian laws as my primary authority, followed by copious quotes from the legal jurisprudence of both the United Kingdom and France. Incidentally, the three countries (Nigeria, UK and France) each retain 6 years as the bar for a business-related claim. I inserted the French law deliberately since the AFD legal officers who would review the legal opinion in France were more likely to be French nationals.

After I was done, I decided to call two lawyers who were very close to me, my big Egbon, Rotimi Aladesanmi Esq as well as my good aburo Mrs Sandra Ogunmola, Esq. I told them about my quackery and apologised to them that my office did not have the money to secure the service of a lawyer. Out of patriotism and solidarity with the state, Bar. Aladesanmi asked me if the State Water Corporation had been maintaining correspondence with the company. I told him I had a hunch some months back that we might have insiders acting as fifth columnists and I had thereafter insisted that any correspondence on the matter must be solely by the state Ministry of Justice. I let him know that on several occasions afterwards when the GM approached me to allow him to send a polite letter to the company, I had always declined insisting instead that only the Ministry of Justice should issue any communication to them and that he and I must stick to engineering only. I added that to prevent any mistake when the GM told me that the legal officer of the Corporation was in support of a polite letter, I quickly got the Justice Ministry to write the Corporation to desist from any correspondence. Both lawyers appeared to substantially think I was already making sense. That gave me confidence and I decided to take the draft legal opinion to Mr. Kola Olawoye, SAN, the then Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, a fantastic administrator who would go to any legitimate length to assist us on our processes. The distinguished SAN read the draft and asked me who produced it. I jokingly told him one ‘charge and bail’ guy did. The Attorney General assumed a friend of mine did and chastised me never to refer to my friend as a charge and bail lawyer because he had produced a brilliant legal opinion! He told me he was adopting it verbatim – no correction.

My Special Assistant, Dr. (Mrs) Tolulope Pius-Fadipe made eye contact with me. I pretended I didn’t see her. The Honourable Commissioner for Justice executed the instrument and handed same to me. By 2 pm, we had scanned and forwarded it to the headquarters of the AFD in France with copies to the country representative in Nigeria. We had the hard copy dispatched by courier. Not quite 30 minutes after the email, I received a phone call from AFD’s Country Manager in Abuja who sought my permission for a conference call with France. Their legal officer in France had reviewed the legal opinion (our letter) and had concurred with us that the requirement that granted an advantage to a private company to more or less put a lien on our request and demanded N4 billion from the government of Ondo State be dropped! Yes. It happened in one day. They apologized and assured me to await an email giving us all clear so we could proceed to the disbursement stage.

The email came and the important line was “There is no more issue on this point as my legal department took into consideration your last letter and agreed to clear the condition precedent”. That was how we resolved the last hurdle on that fund. It was only after I succeeded in removing that final obstacle that I forwarded the ‘all clear’ good news from the then Country Manager of AFD, Ms Jeanne VANUXEM-MILLELIRI, to the then GM of the Ondo State Water Corporation (Engr Akinrinmade) and the then State Coordinator of the Water Project (Engr Akinde) on August 24, 2018 at exactly 3:03 pm.


Ayo Sotinrin who was with the Governor when I passed the news via phone later told me that the Governor asked him, “How did Tunji do it?”. As the late Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu SAN later acknowledged in a private letter to then President Muhammadu Buhari, “Engr. Olatunji Ariyomo, FNSE, led the team that negotiated and secured the $57 million AFD funding for our administration… His team succeeded in scaling “18 No Objections” under 12 months which was a record by any sub-national government even by AFD standard”.

As if by divine intervention, the AFD sent me a dusburement schedule confirmation for the $57 million (with dates) on the very day we were receiving the Federal Minister for Water Resources. Mr. Yemi Olowolabi, a veteran journalist of the Tell Magazine era who was the Commissioner for Information had to break protocol to get the great news across to Governor Akeredolu carrying my mobile phone with him to enable both the Governor and his guest to read directly the giant leap Ondo just made.

Essentially, ahead of other states that were part of the NUWSRP III scheme, Ondo State reached financial closure in a manner that earned our state the direct commendation of the French Development Agency (AFD). How did we do it?

We were proactive. We did not wait for the AFD to spoonfeed us. During the development of the programme appraisal document, we fast-tracked the process by spending endless sleepless nights to ensure we crafted a programme that would serve the interest of the people of Ondo State. Working with the AFD country office and officers from their headquarters in France, we developed a PAD and Programme Information Manual that would be difficult for anybody to breach. When we eventually secured approval to commence implementation, the least of the RfPs that we produced was that of the PMS and the cartography which contained a minimum of 130 pages. We were yet to select a consultant (PMS), so we did all these by ourselves. I led from the front, drafted and poured through all the pages and knew everything that went into each line. We submitted to all world-class financial probity and accountability processes. We shielded the programme from the vagaries of politics and external influence. This was why I could boast when I was suddenly removed from the project that I was certain that the vile characters that were plotting and scheming to oust me from the project because they were eying the money instead of the goals were on a futile zero-sum mission. I was that certain. Yes, the processes can be delayed at a great cost if incompetent individuals are saddled with anchoring the project or positioned to lead the project. This is why the project is currently 2 years behind schedule. Though time itself is costly. That is the worst that can happen. The money for the project cannot be stolen or looted. They may not even be able to access the funds due to the stringent conditions we imposed from the very beginning. I secured the first tranche of disbursement before my exit from the programme. That was the only tranche accessed up until December 2023. The programme almost went into sleep mode afterwards. Governor Akeredolu had to beg the duo of Ayo Sotinrin and Tope Runsewe to step in and help as the leadership that took over after me was simply unable to understand the programme.


When the Governor announced a cabinet reshuffle and had me assigned to solely Energy, some people suggested that I should write a petition to the AFD and allege political interference in order to stop the project. I refused bluntly. I have never fought over money in my life. The money we secured was for the benefit of the people of Ondo State. Phase one of the project was solely for Akure metropolitan area. As a child, I enjoyed pipe-borne water in Akure. My sole motivation was therefore to help Akure regain that lost era. I have never been a fan of borehole drilling as I saw it as an unsustainable workaround that must not be encouraged because it takes the average aquifer years to recharge adequately. Upon realization that not a single community along the transit route of the water mains from Igbaraoke to Akure was included in the project, I held meetings with notable traditional rulers from Ifedore, particularly the Olowa of Igbaraoke, Oba (Dr) Adefarakanmi Agbede OFR in his palace. I assured Kabiyesi that we would leave no stone unturned to ensure that the water project was extended to all communities adjoining the route of the transmission mains such as Igbaraoke, Ipogun, Ilara, Ibuji, Ijare etc and that we would leverage that advantage to take reticulated water to places like Ondo East and Ondo West. The business mogul, Chief Michael Ade-Ojo also placed a phone call to me, offering to fund the T-off of the water from the mains to Ilara. I thanked Baba Ade-Ojo for his selfless offer and informed him that the governor had already approved my proposal to extend the reticulation to all towns along the mains’ transit route.

This is what led to our additional effort to secure the $112.72 million from the African Development Bank (AfDB) starting in May 2019 with an earlier Mission Visit by the AfDB team. This second fund was to address (i) the outstanding 50% reticulation coverage of Akure metropolitan area under the AFD’s sponsored Owena Multipurpose Dam Water Project and reticulation to all satellite towns and communities along the water transmission route from Igbara-oke to the state capital, (ii) the reconstruction of the collapsed spillway and the restoration of the raw water line and the High Lift Pumps for the new intake at the Owena–Ondo road (Elegbudu agba) water supply scheme with design capacity of 19,800m3/day of treated water, which was originally built in 1965 but had since been in deplorable conditions, (iii) rehabilitation of treatment plants and augmentation scheme for Owena Ondo road, (iv) rehabilitation of Olokuta booster station serving the Owena Ondo road scheme, (v) construction of booster station for the rising mains serving Idanre and Ondo towns (in Ondo West and East LGAs) in addition to the relocation of transmission pipelines on that route, (vi) rehabilitation of Owo-Osse water supply treatment plants and augmentation scheme, (vii) repair, relocation and reconstruction of Owo Township water distribution pipes, (viii) upgrade and rehabilitation of the 2,115m3 service reservoir in Owo, (ix) replacement of damaged transmission mains to Owo and adjoining satellite beneficiary communities, (v) as well as critical intervention in Ilaje local government areas in Ondo South. Our engineering estimate for these projects at the time was USD 82.72 million. In addition, the state government was providing off-grid electricity supplies to communities in Ondo South that were far away from the national grid. We, therefore, made an allowance of USD 20 million for the implementation of commercial mini-grid power projects in 10 communities with distribution infrastructure, metering and other ancillary services. The late Governor fully supported my initiatives and via a letter with reference number H.E/VOL III/138c dated 3rd of June 2019 presented a formal request to the Federal Ministry of Finance and the AfDB for a total sum of USD 102.72 million with an additional grant component of USD 10million to enable the state government implement quick-win water and power projects across the state. The Governor put the state’s Office of Public Utilities which I headed, the state’s Technical Team and Steering Committee on Urban Water Supply which I chaired, the state’s Water Corporation which I supervised, the state’s Electricity Board which I supervised and the state’s Technical Team on Power which I headed, in charge, with the duty to midwife the processes. We secured the preliminary concurrence of AfDB shortly after. Of course, following my exit from the programme, I learnt that these clearly defined project pipelines that cut across the state were altered and the estimates for off-grid power intervention in Ondo South were completely expunged despite their detailed communication to the AfDB and the Federal Ministry of Finance.

The AFD and not the World Bank gave Ondo State the sum of $57 million for the construction of the transmission main and the reticulation infrastructure in the state capital. The project is ongoing. The money cannot be looted – not with the way we designed the programme. The World Bank invested in a lot of institutional strengthening and water sector governance being spearheaded by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources. Incidentally, an engineer and an Ondo State son, Engr. Benson Ajisegiri was the Director at the Federal Ministry of Water Resources as of then. The World Bank provided the sum of $2.3 million for each of the 9 states on the NUWSRP III programme with a substantial works component. I worked with other Commissioners and Advisers on Water Resources to correct the attempt by the Ministry to target that money solely at institutional governance at the expense of tangible works programmes. In fact, I spoke on behalf of the others. I showed the officials of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources from the principal approval by the World Bank that the $2.3 million was structured to substantially address works – physical output specification, tangibles that the ordinary people on the street could appreciate and that could further engender confidence in political leaders to support water-related programmes. Officials of the Federal Ministry of Water Resources led by Engr. Ajisegiri concurred with my argument. For Ondo State, we agreed that ahead of the effectiveness of the AFD fund, we would rehabilitate parts of the Owena Ondo Road water scheme as a Quick Win and have the water transmitted to a ring-fenced and commercially viable place in the state capital since the residents were adjudged in the entire Ondo State by our survey as the people most likely to pay. It was agreed that it would be our opportunity to practically assess water commercialization ahead of the full-scale reticulation project.

So, let’s put it in context, ever since my exit from the state water project, there was no new fund attracted to the water programme by any of my successors. The funds expended on water-related projects in Ondo State were solely the ones my team succeeded in creating, attracting, initiating or fast-tracking. This included the $2.3 million which the procurement was eventually done by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources, the N702 million counterpart funding that I secured from Access Bank Plc with procurement done in Ondo State, and the first tranche of $5 million being part of the larger $57 million from the AFD. Indeed, because the project was lagging, the new handlers could not access any more money from the $57 million until December 2023! Likewise, the biggest funding prospect for future activities in the water sector in the state is the AfDB fund that I initiated! Essentially, years after exiting the state’s water project, I have earned the bragging right to say that my efforts continue to pave the way for the state in an enduring manner. I have been part of a Federal Government project worth $7.1 billion, yet, I will defend a legacy that costs only $1 if it is threatened by folks who know nothing about the sweat quotient that goes into project development.


By the way, it must be stated that the whole Owena water transmission and reticulation project was inspired by the late Dr. Olusegun Agagu. He birthed the vision and succeeded in getting President Olusegun Obasanjo to cede the water distribution aspect of the Owena Multipurpose Dam project to the Ondo State Government. Dr. Agagu already paid half of what was required to the contractor before his sudden exit from the government but the project was subsequently bungled and frustrated.

I have done my best to stick to issues that celebrate the accomplishment of my team in this piece. I could never have achieved any of these without the support of those earlier mentioned and my friends in Abuja who provided accommodation on those occasions when my office could not fund same or those like Taiwo Olusoga who repaired my ‘dakudaji’ official car. I wasn’t provided an official car while in government. I walked into the old yard of the Water Corporation and picked an abandoned ‘SUV’ I learned was bought by Boye Adegbemisoye several years back when Dr Agagu was the Governor and I enjoyed using it, no doubt, bar the incessant breakdown. I am sure I am still owing mechanics on that ‘SUV’ including Engr Taiwo Olusoga! Nonetheless, I am leaving the motive behind my removal from the water project after I successfully secured the first tranche of disbursement into the Access Bank accounts that I opened for the project to history to judge.


■ Engineer Olatunji Light Ariyomo, FNSE, is a former Special Adviser on Public Utilities/Energy to the Government of Ondo State.

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Igbo New Yam Festival: A dimension of the Biblical first fruit offering feast




By: Okonkwo Chinedu, Ekenyere Gladys & Maduabuchi John-Moses U.

July is an important month for many Igbo people, particularly in South East Nigeria, not because it is the 7th month on the Gregorian calendar, but because it marks the beginning of the Igbo New Year in several communities.

The Igbo New Year precedes the beginning of the Jewish New Year; the difference being probably as a result of differences in location, climatic conditions and the impact of prehistoric migrations of our people. Among the Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria, several communities start the celebration of the New Year with the declaration of the New Yam festivals in July each year.

Ikem, the headquarters of Isi-Uzo Local Government Area, of Enugu State also culturally referred to as “Ikem Asokwa” is an egalitarian town ancestrally related to other communities across Igboland that bear similar cultures and traditional practices, particularly in Abia, Anambra and Ebonyi States. Although there is still a debate as to whether the homeland of all Ikem people is in Abia, Anambra or Enugu State, it is interesting to report that there exists a large autonomous community in Abia State called Ikem-Nvosi, in Isiala Ngwa South LGA which is ancestrally related to Ikem Asokwa of Isi-Uzo LGA in Enugu State. These two communities re-established cultural relations several decades ago.

Orurezhi is the traditional New Yam Festival of Ikem people. History and folklore have it that in the very olden days, the chief celebrants of this great feast are the Community Leaders who hold the title of “Edeji”. The Edeji title holders could be literally seen as the “Lords of the Yam.” They were great farmers who cultivated very large quantities of yam and customarily fed multitudes with pounded yam during each Orurezhi Feast. Apart from feeding multitudes which earned them the name Edejis, they also harvested a lot of yam and celebrated the Igbo New Year by cutting and placing large tubers and pieces of yam at different locations in the Community, along their way from the farms to the Market square.


The innovation to celebrate Orurezhi (New Yam Festival) in Ikem Asokwa in an improved way (as the Biblical First Fruit Offering) began 10 years ago. This decision followed widespread consultations with the Igwe-in-Council, then led by Late Igwe Francis O. O. Okwor (Enyioha II) of Ikem. The Community Leaders including the red cap Chiefs, the President General of the Town and the Christian leaders from Ikem Asokwa (collectively referred to as Ikem Ministers’ Forum) all agreed with the view that the the New Yam Festival is the Biblical First Fruit Offering related to the Feast of Harvests/Weeks commanded by God Almighty to be observed by Jews in the Bible.
Majority of the people of Ikem, Isi-Uzo Local Government believe like many other Igbo people that their ancestry is Jewish/Hebraic. It was agreed then that the modern way to celebrate the New Yam Festival in Ikem Asokwa should start with public offering of First Fruits and Thanksgiving Prayers to God Almighty in the market square by the people of Ikem Asokwa.

This is a very important act of cultural and religious service done on Saturday, Orie Orurezhi before Sunday, Afor when Christians will as well offer sacrifices of “New Yams” harvested from their farms in various Churches across the Town.
The following Monday, Nkwo is celebrated as the traditional wrestling day.

This is intended to foster unity and development, and to showcase Ikem Asokwa as a formidable Tourism destination in Enugu State, Nigeria. On the very first day of this renewed Orurezhi New Yam Festival, many visitors and tourists throng our town, Medical Missionaries visit and provide free medical services for Ikem people and guests to mark the Festival.

This year’s (2024) event, the 9th in the series; was marked on the July 6th with pomp and pageantry. The participants were excited and hopeful that the 2025 celebration will be more grandiose.

During an interview preceding the festival on 5th July anchored by Mr. Obiora Aneke (a.k.a. Okoro Wawa of Solid FM Radio & Wawa TV), the Chairman of the Isi-Uzo Local Government Traditional Rulers’ Council, HRH. Igwe Engr. Okey Ogbodo (JP), the Igwe of Ikem Uno autonomous community explained what Orurezhi means to the people of Ikem;  thus; “Ezhi” means body, while “Ọrụrọ” means fattening or nourishing. It can also be interpreted as transforming or rather cleansing of the body, which also leads to the clearing of the roads and the environments. It is as well the season of plenty after the period of scarcity usually experienced during the planting season. However, once the New Yam is harvested, it marks the end of scarcity for the Community. All the members of the community thus feast together and rejoice in appreciation to the God of the land who has blessed them with good harvests and wealth. The young men are particularly a special class of celebrants during the Orurezhi Festival, as they would compete in wrestling competition on the third day of the feast. In Ikem Asokwa, no responsible young man shows off strength by bearing arms, fighting, killing or harming his neighbor, People show off their strength and superiority through wrestling bouts. This could happen occasionally at any time but whenever Orurezhi is being celebrated it becomes a compulsory activity to mark the end of the festivity.


This year’s First Fruit thanksgiving offering service and prayers which held on 6th July, 2024, Saturday, Orie market day was presided over by H.R.H. Igwe Felix U. Ogbuke, Ohamadike 1 of Ikem (the traditional ruler of Ikem Etiti, who is also the eldest of Igwes in Ikem Asokwa. His message to the entire Ikem indigenes was concise and direct. And that is urging the people to join hands with the Igwes and their cabinets to ensure that Orurezhi is well celebrated in Ikem Asokwa stressing that there is nothing unchristian about the festival. He appreciated the Organizing Committee for the success of this year’s event and the NGOs that participate annually in providing free medical treatments for Ikem people and their visitors. He appealed to all Ikem people at home and in Diaspora to always support the Town in celebrating the New Yam Festival.

Hon. Chief Engineer. Paul Ugwuagbo, Oforbuike 1 of Ikem Asokwa in his own account explained that before the coming of Europeans to Igboland, farming was the preoccupation of our people and that the celebration of the New Yam festival then was referred to as Ufejioku. However, in the recent past, Ikem generally christened it Orurezhi and chose Saturday Orie every July, for the festival and remodeled it to showcase the biblical values of the feast. He further explained that Orurezhi is a very important and the most outstanding cultural feast that binds all people indigeneous to Ikem together. He equally observed that the yams harvested in July each year belong to a particular species known as “Usekpe Ovune” which Ikem people cultivate in November and December of each year.

In his vote of thanks, the Chairman of the Orurezhi Organizing Committee, Chief Emeka Nnamani (Omemma 1 of Ikem), thanked God and the Medical teams that treat Ikem people free every Orurezhi day. He also reported that the team included General Practitioners, Public Health Physicians, Dental Surgeons and Eye Doctors, Nurses, Dieticians among other volunteers. He stressed that the good people of Ikem remained grateful to the Christian Medical and Dental Association (CMDA) and Models for Christ – Africa (MfCAfrica) Teams for their continued support to our people in the area of healthcare. This year, the MfCAfrica Medical Team was led by Dr. Ifeyinwa Ugwunweze, Consultant Public Health Physician, who in her remarks stated that the outreach was well organized and very successful. She noted that the aim of reaching out to the underserved population heath-wise was achieved. One other volunteer, a Christian Missionary Dental Surgeon, Dr. Daniel Obiora Chukwudimma, on behalf of CMDA summed his experience thus: “I have to really say that Ikem people are lovely to be with, as it was nice meeting them (on Orurezhi day). I must thank the organizers for a well-executed medical outreach.” The Eye Doctor (Optometrist), Dr. Nwakanma also commended Ikem people and observed that there is high rate of cataract, glaucoma and pterygium in the community .

Evang. Emmanuel Ndubusi Agbo, President of Ikem Christian Believers’ Fellowship (ICBF), and a member of the team of the ministers who officiated during the festival stated, “It is very clear that God almighty instituted the festival of first fruit harvest offering and embedded many blessings in it. [Exodus 23:16]. Everyone, especially the Christian Brethren in Ikem are sincerely encouraged to holistically be in the forefront of this our godly tradition. There is no doubt that next year’s Orurezhi will be more grandiosely glorious”.

On the eve of the 2024 Orurezhi Ceremony, the Chairman of the Isi-Uzo Traditional Rulers Council, HRH Igwe Engr. Okey Ogbodo had thanked the Executive Governor of Enugu State, Dr. Peter Mbah, for all he has done for Ikem and Isi-Uzo people and made a passionate appeal to the State Government to beef up security during and after the festival. This was in view of the horrible fatal attacks and killing of innocent citizens in Ikem by suspected killer herdsmen in the past few months.


HRM. Eze Dr. Solomon Nwakwue; Chimereze 1 & Akajiala of Ikem Osokwa-Nvosi, of Isiala Ngwa South LGA in Abia State has been an important stakeholder of Ikem New Yam Festival. This year, as always, he sent a delegation led by two members of his cabinet, Chief Ohazurume 1 of Ikem Asokwa/Osokwa and Mr. Mgbechinyere Sunday, Chairman Village Heads, Ikem Osokwa with Kola Nuts, Alligator Pepper, large quantities of wine and fruits for the First Fruit Offering.

The Ikem Community Health System (Ikem CHS), led by Dr. Maduabuchi John-Moses is a Community-based Organisation that has has been instrumental to the hosting of Medical Outreaches during the festival in Ikem for about two decades now. Ikem CHS was also the first health organization to run a Community-based Social Health Insurance Scheme in collaboration with Healthcare International, a Health Maintenance Organisation.

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Olubusola Oluwaferanmi: A daring healer and prophetess charts her trajectories in life, by Sylvanus Odion



According to the American poet, singer, autobiographer, and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou, “Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” Angelou, indeed, inspires humanity with both the uncommon beauty and the call to action of her words.

This venerable American icon and unconquerable lioness indisputably inspired the life story of Dr. Olubusola Oluwaferanmi, fondly known as ‘Dr. O’ – who navigates with a special light that shines from within her being. Not surprisingly, this pathway has enabled her illuminate and impact humanity in a way few could.

A highly seminal figure in the fields of pastoral counseling, life coaching, and holistic wellness, Dr. Olubusola Oluwaferanmi holds a Doctorate degree in Christian Counseling and is a certified life coach, massage therapist and licenced alternative medicine practitioner. Her ministerial work primarily focuses on marriage counseling, sex therapy, juvenile delinquency, spiritual and inner healing, and youth empowerment.

Dr. O totally and incontrovertibly believes that wellness is the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything a human does – think, feel, and believe-has an effect on his or her state of wellbeing. She has demonstrated this spiritual and scientific knowledge in her accomplishments and diverse interventions.


She is steeped in a rich background of Christian ministry and counseling, combining her academic achievements with practical experience. She is an ordained Reverend and Prophetess, a certified marriage mentor and SYMBIS Facilitator (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.) She is also a member of American Association of Christian Counselors, and she has been actively involved in various forms of counseling since 2001.

Notable television personality Max Carver speaks to the deeper human purpose when he insightfully noted that “Empathy is the starting point for creating a community and taking action. It’s the impetus for creating change.” Dr. O has not simply created a community but international communities of purpose which she shepherds with empathy and purpose. What’s more – she is creating positive change in peoples’ lives.

In 2011, she founded “Intimate Issues with Dr. Olubusola” (IIWDO), a 501c charity organization aimed at supporting victims of domestic violence, particularly in Africa and among the African Diaspora. She is also the founder of Dr. Olubusola Foundation, DOF, a registered NGO in Nigeria.

She, also, is the founder of Audacious Women of Purpose Global. Through this organization, she has empowered widows, provided counseling for teenage pregnant girls, and recruited counselors to spread the organization’s mission.


Her influence extends beyond individual counseling. She is a seasoned missionary and a dynamic speaker who has traveled globally, teaching and empowering mostly women, children and youth. Her approach to healing and empowerment is holistic, focusing on reconciling, impacting, and building communities through guidance, charity outreach, mentoring, and training programmes.

Significantly, her work is deeply rooted in her personal experiences and her desire to help others achieve healing and happiness, no matter the depth of their wounds

Dr. O is a prominent figure in the fields of holistic wellness and alternative medicine. She is the Founder and CEO of FerFis Holistic Wellness, which operates both in the USA and Nigeria. Originally from Nigeria, Dr. Oluwaferanmi has traveled extensively, focusing on teaching and empowering women and youth around the world.

She is deeply committed to her mission of building a strong sense of community by reconciling, building, and impacting both adults and youths to live healthy, fulfilling lives. Her holistic approach to wellness integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual health, making her a sought-after expert in her field.


In addition to her wellness practice, Dr. O is also an author. Her book, “Enjoying Sexual Bliss in Your Marriage,” reflects her expertise in sex therapy and her commitment to helping couples achieve deeper intimacy and satisfaction in their relationships. Her second book “Unmasking the Soul” reflects Steps to freedom and healing from Domestic Abuse and Violence.

Her teachings often stress the importance of self-discovery, setting boundaries, and making informed decisions, particularly in the context of relationships and marriage.

Her expertise in sex therapy suggests a contradiction between being a shepherdess of Christ and boldly speaking to human sexuality – especially in cross-cultural settings.

The nature of her interventions, especially in human sexuality, straddles disparate cultures – though both in the 21st Century. The United States, her adopted country, represents Western civilization, a culture that accommodates liberalism, while Nigeria, her birth nation mirrors largely a conservative African milieu.


In Nigeria, a woman is expected to wear lipstick, carry a handbag and speak gently. Sexuality themes are off the table. Although this scenario is gradually changing, it’s a ground to be trodden with caution. But Dr. O navigates with knowledge and empathy. She offers guidance and therapy to help individuals and couples achieve fulfilling and healthy sexual relationships.

Dr. O’s work is widely recognized and celebrated. She has been honoured for her contributions to wellness and her efforts to support victims of domestic violence. Through her holistic wellness practice and her charitable work, she continues to inspire and empower individuals to lead healthier, more balanced lives.

A highly regarded holistic wellness practitioner with a comprehensive approach to health and well-being that integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, she offers a variety of services designed to promote holistic health and personal growth through FerFis Holistic Wellness in both the USA and Nigeria.

According to Greg Anderson, one of America’s greatest wellness advocates, “When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life.” That is the story of Dr. O.


As the founding CEO of FerFis Holistic Wellness in both the USA and Nigeria, Dr. O offers a variety of services designed to promote holistic health and personal growth. A quick check-list would include:

●The Holistic Method

Her holistic wellness practice includes alternative medicine, sex therapy, neuromuscular therapy, and life coaching. This approach is rooted in the belief that true wellness comes from balancing the mind, body, and spirit. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the interconnectedness of these elements and uses a combination of traditional and alternative therapies to address the root causes of health issues.

● Services and Specialties


● Alternative Medicine: She deploys natural and non-invasive methods to treat various health conditions, aiming to restore the body’s natural balance and enhance its self-healing capabilities.

● Sex Therapy: She offers guidance and therapy to help individuals and couples achieve fulfilling and healthy sexual relationships. Her book, “Enjoying Sexual Bliss in Your Marriage,” highlights her expertise in this field and her commitment to improving intimate relationships.

● Neuromuscular Therapy: This specialized form of massage therapy focuses on alleviating pain and dysfunction by understanding and treating the underlying neuromuscular causes.

● Life Coaching and Pastoral Counseling: Dr. O provides life coaching to help clients achieve personal and professional goals, and pastoral counseling to offer Spiritual support and guidance.


● Educational/Motivational Role

Dr. O is also a motivational speaker and educator, known for her ability to inspire and empower her audience. She travels globally to teach and empower women and youth, focusing on topics such as self-discovery, personal growth, and achieving a balanced life. Her teachings emphasize the importance of setting boundaries, making informed decisions, and understanding one’s purpose in life.

● Community Impact

Through her holistic wellness practice and charitable initiatives, she has made significant contributions to community well-being. She has been honored for her efforts in supporting victims of domestic violence and her work in empowering individuals to lead healthier lives. Her commitment to community service is reflected in her efforts to provide holistic health education and services to underserved populations.


Dr. O’s holistic wellness practice is outstanding for its integrative approach, combining the best of traditional and alternative therapies to promote overall health and well-being. Her work not only addresses physical health but also nurtures emotional and spiritual growth, helping individuals achieve a balanced and fulfilling life.

According to the notable American inventor Thomas Edison, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

Dr. Olubusola Oluwaferanmi is indeed a doctor of the future. She is also a doctor of today playing the rare role of both a healer of humanities, fears, frailties and uncertainties. Perhaps, most importantly, she is a humble shepherdess of her beloved Christ.

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Exploring AI to bridge digital divide




By Sonny Aragba-Akpore

As humanity grapples with the race to bridge the digital divide, global inequality remains a threat .
For instance an estimated 2.6 billion people around the world remain offline, according to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN Agency for Digital Technologies.

While overall Internet use is increasing, the benefits of access are unevenly distributed, reinforcing persistent digital divides affecting women and people in countries with lower economic development.

The elderly and people with disabilities are among other groups being left behind.


“Broadband is fundamental to ensure that everyone can benefit from digital technologies when so many people are still offline around the world,” according to ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Co-Vice Chair of ITU Broadband Commission.

“AI and other emerging technologies can help efforts to achieve universal meaningful connectivity, and it’s our job to make sure this happens in a way that is responsible for people and the planet.”

ITU Broadband Commission recently reviewed progress on its 2025 Advocacy Targets, comprising seven objectives for action in broadband development and universal connectivity. One target for mobile broadband affordability is close to being achieved. A target for gender equality in access to broadband has been achieved for some countries, although not globally.

The Commission noted that AI and emerging technologies can drive progress on broadband and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


But balancing the promotion of AI benefits while managing the challenges is a key task for policy-makers who are “racing to catch up” to the implications of the technologies according to ITU documents.
A worried ITU boss lamented recently about the divide which she and her team think could be addressed before 2030 under the SDGs.

“With one-third of humanity still offline and women and other vulnerable groups on the wrong side of the globe’s digital divides,regulators should raise standards if this one third offline population could be accommodated in the dividends of digital services.”

She spoke at the 2024 Global Regulators Symposium (GSR-2) whose focus was on “Best Practice Guidelines that highlight the innovation, trust, and inclusivity that we need in the policy and regulatory environment,”
She told the regulators that “With change being the only certainty facing regulators and policymakers, we must work together to pursue regulatory approaches to leverage transformative technologies such as AI, promote the space economy, encourage innovation, and support climate action and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.”
The regulators who met in Kampala,Uganda endorsed a set of ​​​​guidelines to maximize the benefits of transformative information and communication technologies (ICTs) at the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-24) which closed July 4 .

GSR 24 highlighted Africa’s National Broadband Mapping Systems project, supported by the European Commission, to help establish broadband mapping systems to foster investment and digital transformation in Africa. With a budget of EUR 15 million over four years, the project will initially benefit 11 countries: Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


The “GSR-24 Best Practice Guidelines​” agreed by ICT regulators include a series of considerations for balancing innovation with regulation to create a positive impact on societies and economies from emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Prior to the opening of GSR-24, the Regional Regulatory Associations (RA) and Digital Regulation Network (DRN) meeting shared experiences and knowledge as well as areas for collaboration. The meeting also featured the achievements of the successful first year of the DRN, focusing on capacity building, thought leadership, and regulatory experimentation and innovation.

Key activities presented include knowledge sharing through the ITU Academy, the broadband mapping project, capacity building activities, contributions to ITU-D Study Groups, RA participation in interactive workshops and engaging on twinning experiences to learn from other Regional Regulatory Associations.

Also ahead of GSR-24, the Industry Advisory Group on Development Issues and Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers (IAGDI-CRO) convened industry and private sector thought leaders to share experiences and proposals with regulators to address the complex regulatory and business landscape of digital ecosystems.


Apart from digital infrastructure development, implementation of regulatory ”sandboxes,” strategies to enable high-speed connectivity, participants discussed regulation of the future, including new domains such as AI, and technologies for the future.

A session of Network of Women (NoW) in ITU’s Telecommunication Development Sector at GSR-24 explored mechanisms for greater participation of women in ICT-related fields and addressed the leadership gender gap in the ICT sector.

Ms. Jessica Alupo, Vice-President of the Republic of Uganda, opened GSR-24 on July 1, on behalf of Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda.

Hosted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN Agency for Digital Technologies – the symposium brought together over 600 participants including Ministers, Heads of Regulatory Authorities, industry executives and academics to discuss pressing regulatory issues.


“We are excited that the GSR provides a platform where all thought leaders, regulators, industry players and other key ICT stakeholders converge to dialogue and set the policy and regulatory agenda that will guide the global digital industry over the near future,” according to Uganda’s Minister for ICT and National Guidance, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi.

“Best practice now calls for a coordinated and collaborative approach that is inclusive of all relevant stakeholders – if we are to achieve the impact that we all desire. We commit to align our national policies and regulatory frameworks around the well-thought-out Best Practice Guidelines that will encourage investment, innovation, and growth in the ICT sector.”

Regulators at GSR-24 noted that equal, global access to existing digital services would help countries leverage transformative technologies.

AI, for example, could help network operators conduct better planning and prevent fraud, but it also raises challenges associated with privacy, bias, job displacement, and the reliability of information.


“At GSR-24, we discussed core policy and regulatory issues to maximise the potential of digital technologies to improve lives. We addressed key topics, including new developments in the field of generative AI and robotics, building an inclusive, safe, and sustainable space economy, and required interventions in addressing climate change challenges,​​” according to Dr. Cosmas Luckyson Zavazava, Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau adding “We brought the global community of regulators together to strengthen our collective capacity to navigate the fast-changing technology landscape and drive sustainable and inclusive digital transformation. We heard from young innovators and entrepreneurs and adopted action-oriented Best Practice Guidelines to help us chart the course of transformative technologies for positive impact.”

“As we navigate the transformative landscape of digital technologies, the importance of impactful regulation cannot be overstated,” according to the Chairman of GSR-24 and Executive Director of the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), George William Nyombi Thembo. “Our shared learnings and collaborative efforts are crucial in shaping a regulatory environment that not only fosters innovation but also ensures that the benefits of technological advancements are widely shared. By recognizing the interdependencies with other sectors, we can create a cohesive framework that supports sustainable development, economic growth, and inclusivity. Together, we have the power to turn technology into a force for positive change, illuminating pathways to a brighter, more connected future.”

A session of Network of Women (NoW) in ITU’s Telecommunication Development Sector at GSR-24 explored mechanisms for greater participation of women in ICT-related fields and address the leadership gender gap in the ICT sector.

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