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10 signs someone is deeply attracted to you but trying to play it cool



By Francesca Hangeior

Understanding the subtle signs of attraction can sometimes feel like decoding a complex puzzle.

Especially when someone is really into you but also trying to play it cool. It’s a delicate balance between hiding feelings and dropping hints.

This is about deciphering those small gestures, those slight changes in behavior that may indicate a deeper attraction.


Because, let’s face it, when someone is trying to keep their feelings under wraps, they’re not going to make it obvious.
Let’s dive into the 10 signs that might just reveal that someone is deeply attracted to you but trying their best to play it cool.

1) They find reasons to be around you

We all naturally gravitate towards people we are attracted to. It’s an instinctive behavior that’s hard to hide, even when we’re trying to play it cool.
If someone is always finding a reason to be around you, whether it’s by joining the same clubs as you, popping up at your favorite hangout spots or always seeming to be in the same area as you at social gatherings, it could be a sign that they’re attracted to you.
They might try to downplay their interest by making it seem like their presence is just a coincidence. But if it happens regularly, it’s likely not just chance.

Actions speak louder than words. So even if they’re not verbally expressing their feelings, their actions could be telling a different story. Keep an eye out for repeated ‘coincidences’. It might just be a subtle sign of their deeper attraction towards you.


2) Their body language tells a story

Body language is the unsung hero of communication. It reveals what we might be trying to hide with our words. In my own experience, I once found myself drawn to a friend who was always trying to play it cool.

One thing that stood out was her body language. Whenever we were together, she’d unconsciously mirror my actions. If I crossed my arms, she’d do the same. If I leaned in during a conversation, she’d lean in too.

She’d also frequently make eye contact, and whenever our eyes met, she’d quickly look away with a shy smile.


Even though she was trying to play it cool and not openly admit her feelings, these subtle shifts in her body language were a clear giveaway of her attraction.

If someone is mirroring your body language, maintaining prolonged eye contact or showing other non-verbal signs of interest – they might just be deeply attracted to you but trying to mask it.

3) They remember small details about you

Our brains are programmed to remember things that are important to us. So if someone remembers small, seemingly insignificant details about you, it could be a sign that they’re attracted to you.


For instance, they might remember your favorite book that you mentioned in passing or recall a story you told them weeks ago. They might even bring up a minor detail from a previous conversation that you’d forgotten about.

This goes beyond just being a good listener. It shows that they’re paying extra attention to you and value what you say.
In fact, the phenomenon of ‘selective memory’ in attraction is backed by science. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people are more likely to remember details about others they find attractive.

When someone recalls a random detail about you, it might be more than just a good memory at play. It could be a subtle sign of their deeper attraction to you.

4) They initiate contact but also pull back


This is a classic sign of someone trying to play it cool while being attracted to you. They’ll reach out, initiate conversations or plans, but then also pull back to not seem too eager or invested.

You might find them texting you first, asking about your day, or suggesting you both check out the new coffee shop downtown. But then, they might also go quiet for a while, not responding promptly to your messages or turning down an invite from you.

It can seem confusing, but it’s their way of trying to maintain balance. They want to show interest without coming off as desperate or overly invested.

If someone in your life is blowing hot and cold in their interactions with you, it might not be inconsistency. It could be them trying to manage their attraction and play it cool.


5) They get a little nervous around you

Believe it or not, a little bit of nervousness can be a good sign. It indicates that someone cares about the impression they’re making on you.

If they stumble over their words, get flustered easily, or blush when they’re around you, it could mean that they’re trying to impress you.

While they might try to hide these signs of nervousness, it’s often something that’s hard to control. It’s the body’s natural response to being around someone they’re attracted to.
When you notice someone getting a tad bit nervous around you, don’t write them off. It could be a sign that they’re deeply attracted to you but are trying to play it cool.


6) They show genuine interest in your life

When someone is deeply attracted to you, they tend to show a genuine interest in your life. They want to know about your dreams, your passions, and even your mundane day-to-day activities.

They’ll ask about your plans for the weekend, how your day was, or what you think about a particular topic. Their questions won’t just be surface-level small talk, but will delve deeper into who you are as a person.

This is because when we’re attracted to someone, we want to understand them better. We want to connect with them on a deeper level.


If someone is making an effort to truly get to know you, it’s not just casual curiosity. It could be a sign of their deeper attraction towards you, even if they’re trying their best to play it cool.

7) They drop subtle compliments

Compliments are a great way to express admiration, but when someone is trying to play it cool, they might not shower you with praises outright. Instead, they may drop subtle compliments.

I remember a time when I was attracted to someone but didn’t want to make it too obvious. Instead of lavishing them with compliments, I’d slip in casual comments about how their shirt really brought out their eyes, or how their laughter was contagious.


It was my way of showing my attraction without making it too apparent. So if someone is dropping subtle compliments your way, it could be a sign that they’re attracted to you but trying to keep it low-key.

8) They tease you a bit

While it might seem like a throwback to schoolyard crushes, teasing can actually be a sign of attraction in adults too. This isn’t about mean-spirited jabs, but light-hearted, playful teasing.

If someone is teasing you in a friendly manner, it could be their way of showing affection while keeping things casual. It’s their way of building a bond without making things overly serious or obvious.


It might just be a sign they’re attracted to you but are trying to keep it cool.

9) They’re always there when you need them

Being attracted to someone often means caring about their well-being. If someone is always ready to lend a hand when you’re in need, it could be a sign of their deeper feelings for you.

Whether it’s offering to help you move, listening when you’ve had a bad day, or even bringing you soup when you’re sick, these acts of kindness show that they genuinely care about you.


Even if they try to shrug it off as “just being a good friend,” their consistent willingness to be there for you could indicate that their feelings run deeper than they’re letting on. It’s their way of showing affection without making their attraction too obvious.

10) They show respect for your boundaries

Attraction isn’t just about feelings, it’s also about respect. If someone is deeply attracted to you but trying to play it cool, they’ll respect your boundaries.
They won’t push you to do things you’re not comfortable with or invade your personal space. They’ll understand your need for time and space, and won’t rush things.

This shows not just their attraction but also their consideration for your feelings. Respect is a key element in any relationship, and if they’re showing it now, it’s a strong sign of their deep attraction to you.
Final thoughts: The dance of attraction.


The dance of attraction can often be a subtle and nuanced one, especially when someone is trying to play it cool. It’s a delicate balance between veiling feelings and revealing them through tiny, almost imperceptible signs.

Yet, beneath the surface of casual conversations and friendly interactions, these signs can hold the key to understanding someone’s deeper feelings for you.

From remembering little details about you to teasing you light-heartedly, these signs are like pieces of a puzzle that, when put together, paint a picture of attraction.

Attraction isn’t just about grand gestures and declarations of love. Often, it’s in the small things that people do when they think nobody’s noticing.

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SEE 20 billionaires supporting Trump and Kamala in the race for The White House



By Mario Deepromoter

The race for the United States Presidency has reached a fever pitch. As the US presidential election draws close, the financial backing of billionaires has become a defining factor in the campaigns of leading candidates.

Donald Trump, the Republican party candidate and Kamala Harris, who took the baton from President Biden for the Democratic party, continue to rally the support of some of America’s wealthiest, drawing powerful endorsements from influential figures in the country seeking to shape its future.

Elections are run with money, and political parties and their candidates require a lot of it to run successful campaigns. This process is supported by the high and mighty who donate good money towards the government they wish to see in power. These funds cover a range of expenses, including advertising, staffing, travel, and organising events.


From business partners to friends, acquaintances and wealthy individuals who want to see the tide turn in their favour, here are 20 billionaires supporting Trump and Kamala as the next US President.

Billionaires supporting Donald Trump
1. Elon Musk
Perhaps being Donald Trump’s biggest fan on X, which he now owns, the world’s richest man Elon Musk could also be Trump’s loudest supporter. In July, the founder worth, $250.8 billion announced plans to commit around $45 million a month to a new super political-action committee, called America PAC, backing former President Donald Trump’s presidential run.

2. Linda McMahon
Linda McMahon is the wife of Vince McMahon, the former CEO of WWE. McMahon, who is currently worth $3.1 billion had made up to $16 million in donations to Trump groups to support his election campaign. She chairs the pro-Trump nonprofit America First Policy Institute, serving on the board of Truth Social’s parent company, Trump Media and Technology Group.

3. Diane Hendricks
“I know how hard it is to build a company from nothing,” she said. “And we need a president who understands that too,” Diane Hendricks, called America’s richest self-made woman, said on stage at the Republican National Convention in her home state of Wisconsin last month. Forbes says that the $20.9 billion-worth entrepreneur has already pumped $6 million into groups that support him.


4. Andrew Beal
American banker and businessman, Andrew Beal gave more than $4 million to Trump committees and other GOP groups in 2020. The $12.2 billion- valued investor is now betting on Trump again, putting $1.8 million behind Trump’s 2024 ticket.

5. Kelcy Warren
Kelcy Warren, the billionaire in energy has been fond of Trump. Warren had given $100,000 to help elect him in 2016, then dropped more than $11 million in 2020. This time around, he has given about $6 million to support Trump’s campaign. Warren’s Energy Transfer is best known for the Dakota Access Pipeline, which Trump helped expedite in one of his first acts in office.

6. Elizabeth Uihlein & Richard Uihlein
Liz and Dick Uihlein are among the Republican party’s most generous donors, giving tens of millions per cycle. The couple have donated $5 million to trump groups according to Forbes. In 2021, the duo celebrated Trump’s “America First” trade policies and called out publicly-held companies for being “too concerned about their stock share price.”

7. Phil Ruffin
Ruffin is a significant Donald Trump donor, as well as his business partner and close friend. His donations to Trump’s PACs and committees have reached $3.3 million so far this cycle, surpassing his combined donations from the last two elections.


8. Geoffrey Palmer
Geoffrey Palmer is one of the largest apartment developers in Los Angeles, with nearly 13,000 units in the greater L.A. metro area. Palmer is a major financial backer of former president Donald Trump, donating some $16 million to his campaigns and PACs from 2016 to 2022. This year, he’s up to $3 million. The developer is worth $3.1 billion.

9. J.Joe.Ricketts
Ricketts, whose family owns the Chicago Cubs, poured $3 million into a Republican anti-Trump group back in 2016 with his wife. They have given a combined $2 million to Trump groups so far this time around, betting against Kamala.

10. Jimmy John Liautaud
Since Jimmy John sold the majority of his business to a private equity firm, he has gotten more involved in politics, as has his wife Leslie. She backed Trump in 2016 and 2020 and John joined her this year, giving $2.8 million to Trump groups so far.

Billionaires supporting Kamala Harris
1. Mark Cuban
The billionaire Shark Tank star and former principal owner of the Dallas Mavericks is one of the Democrats’ most valuable supporters. Valued at US$5.4 billion according to Forbes, Cuban, who is known to have attended a Joe Biden fundraiser, has retweeted various posts about Harris’ campaign, and signed the “VCs for Kamala” pledge.


2. Reid Hoffman
LinkedIn co-founder, Reid Hoffman has been a long-time Democratic donor and wasted no time backing Harris after Biden dropped. In January, he poured $2 million into a super political action committee (PAC) for Biden’s campaign. The former CEO, worth $2.5 billion plans to open a fundraiser for Harris and has been reported to push Netflix chairman Reed Hastings to donate US$7 million to a PAC supporting the current Vice President.

3. Vinod Khosla
Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures, and OpenAI investor has backed Harris to win the elections in November following the withdrawal of President Biden, who he hosted a fundraiser for in May. Worth $7.2 billion per Forbes, the entrepreneur has donated to Super PACs in support of Harris.

4. Chris Sacca
Chris Sacca made early bets investing in Twitter and Uber through his venture capital firm Lowercase Capital. Now he’s making bets of Kamala Harris to be the next US president after donating to Biden’s campaign before he dropped out. Sacca noted that he and his partner Clay Dumas have “invested millions of dollars and countless hours helping build organisations and companies that we think have the best shot at giving blue candidates an edge in a game that is rigged against them.”

5. Eric Schmidt
Worth $22.5 billion per Forbes, the former CEO of Alphabet has given $1.6 million to Future Forward PAC, a Democratic super PAC, and $1.16 million to the Biden Victory Fund.


6. Dustin Moskovitz
Moskovitz, who helped to launch Facebook (now Meta Platforms) in 2004, gave up to $929,600 to the Biden Victory Fund before he dropped out of the race. Now, he has directed his attention to Kamala who goes against the same opponent, Trump.

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IG Orders Redeployment Of FCT, Rivers, Delta CPs



By Mario Deepromoter

The Inspector General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, has directed the redeployment of the Rivers State Commissioner of Police, Tunji Disu, to FCT command.

The shake-up also affects the Delta State Police Command, with CP Abaniwonda Olufemi being reassigned to the Rivers State Command.

In his place, CP Peter Opara who was recently posted to the FCT command, has been appointed as the new Commissioner of Police for Delta State.


The Force spokesman, Muyiwa Adejobi, in a statement on Thursday, said the redeployment was to ensure effective policing in the affected states.

He said, “The Inspector-General of Police in an effort to strategically emplace a Police Force well efficient for effective policing, has ordered the immediate redeployment of the Commissioners of Police of Rivers State Command, Delta State Command, and the Federal Capital territory.

“The order covers the redeployment of the CP Rivers State Command, CP Olatunji Disu as the new CP FCT; CP Delta State Command, CP Abaniwonda Olufemi as the new CP Rivers State Command and CP FCT, CP Peter Opara as the new CP Delta State.”

Adejobi also said the IG, in accordance with the approval of the Police Service Commission, has deployed four CPs to Lagos, Abia, Ebonyi, and Akwa-Ibom States.


He said, “In addition, following the approval of the Police Service Commission, the Inspector-General of Police has also deployed four CPs as Commissioners of Police for Abia, Lagos, Ebonyi, and Akwa-Ibom State Commands.

“The deployment includes the posting of CP Danladi Nda to Abia State Command, CP Olanrewaju Ishola Olawale to Lagos State Command, CP Anthonia Adaku Uche-Anya, FDC to Ebonyi State Command and CP Festus Eribo to Akwa-Ibom State Command.

“The posting of these strategic managers reflects the mission of the Inspector-General of Police to strategically reposition the Police Force and ensure maximum utilization of human resources available to the Force. “

He stated that the IG urged the CPs to be innovative and ensure personnel are diligent in their duties.


Adejobi said, “The IGP has, however, urged the new CPs of State Commands to ensure diligence in the discharge of their lawful duties and adopt innovations that could mitigate security challenges in their respective areas of responsibility. He further encouraged them to key into the police reform plans, which will help the progress of the Nigeria Police Force and the growth of the country in general.”

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Credible Intel Indicates Tinubu’s Defence Minister Matawalle Involved in Banditry – Zamfara Gov Alleges



By Kayode Sanni-Arewa

Zamfara State Governor, Dauda Lawal, has made a startling disclosure, alleging Nigeria’s Defence Minister, Bello Matawalle, of involvement in banditry in the North-West region.

Speaking during an interview on TVC’s Politics Tonight on Wednesday night, Lawal cited credible information suggesting that his predecessor, Matawalle, played a significant role in the ongoing security crisis.

From all the information we’re getting, my predecessor was fully involved in some of this banditry issue,” Lawal stated. His comments come as northern Nigeria continues to grapple with relentless bandit attacks, particularly in Zamfara, Kaduna, and Katsina states. This is not the first time such allegations have been raised against Matawalle. In July, notorious bandit leader Kachallah Bello Turji had made similar accusations, claiming that the former Zamfara governor had been supporting terrorism in the region. Turji, in a video statement, maintained that Matawalle was involved in the rising wave of violence, an allegation that stirred significant controversy. However, Matawalle has consistently denied these claims. His media consultant, Deyemi Saka, labelled the accusations as unfounded and baseless, dismissing them as attempts to tarnish the minister’s reputation. Despite this, Turji and now Governor Lawal remain firm in their assertions, keeping the spotlight on Matawalle’s alleged connection to the banditry crisis.


The accusation against a high-ranking government official comes at a time when northern Nigeria is plagued by severe security challenges, with banditry, kidnapping, and terrorism escalating in various states. The federal government’s response to these claims and the overall situation remains to be seen.

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