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School Resumption & The Dilemma Of Many Parents



By Emmanuel Ajibulu

Many concerned Nigerians have taken to the streets and various social media platforms lamenting how difficult it has been for them in feeding their children, let alone sending them back to school to kick start their fresh academic session.

In Lagos State for example, students had gone on a long vacation after the 2023/2024 session ended on July 19, 2024.

Accordingly, Primary and Secondary schools in many parts of Nigeria resumed for the 2024/2025 academic session Monday, September 19, 2024; especially in Lagos and Delta States. No doubt,the resumption literally sparked debate on the growing challenges faced by parents and guardians as well as the country’s education sector. Schools are also not spared from the shocking consequences of the trending scourge as patronage significantly dropped in many private schools.


In the face of high living costs, families are struggling to provide basic educational needs such as school fees, transportation, and materials whilst the minimum wage is just N70,000 amidst rising inflation which is currently at double digits.

It is recalled that UNICEF, the UN agency for children, reported in June 2024 that around 11 million Nigerian children were experiencing severe child food poverty. The report says this translates to one in every three Nigerian children under five years old.

UNICEF defines severe child food poverty as consuming no more than two out of eight food groups.

Globally, 181 million children under the age of five are considered to be facing severe child food poverty. Nigeria ranks among the 20 countries that account for 65% – almost two-thirds – of these children.


The UNICEF report further indicated that four out of five children experiencing child food poverty globally are fed only milk or a starchy staple, such as rice, maize or wheat. Less than 10% of these children are fed fruits and vegetables. And even fewer, less than 5%, are fed nutrient-dense foods such as eggs, fish, poultry or meat.

This is utterly worrisome, heart-rending and preposterous.

However, to function well in this dire strait, the Nigerian government needs to take proactive, responsible, responsive and well-informed decisions in tackling the many socio-economic conditions that are disrupting education across the country, bearing in mind the potential long-term and short-term negative impacts it could have on children’s education and the future of the country if not quickly nipped in the bud.

While it is important to applaud the long-term benefits of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s economic reforms across many sectors of Nigeria’s economy, his team also needs to look inwards and give priority to short-term benefits as well, so that the citizenry can have a breather. Understandably, Mr. President is barely sixteen months (16) in office, he can still make a difference in the shortest possible time for the greater good of the downtrodden and other vulnerable segments of the society.


It is a well-known fact that the youth of any country is a great asset. They are indeed the future of the country and represent it at every level. The role of youths in nation-building is more important than one might possibly think. In other words, the intelligence and work of the youth will take the country on the pathway of success. As every citizen is equally responsible, the youth is too. They are the building blocks of a country.

It therefore becomes imperative for governments across the board (Local, State and Federal), corporate organizations, religious bodies and other critical stakeholders in the society to embrace a purposely paradigm shift by investing heavily in the education of Nigerian children, so that the future of Nigeria would be remarkably great and desirable. May God bless and prosper Nigeria.

●Ajibulu wrote from Abuja, he is an infopreneur, social media influencer, writer, communication consultant and publisher of, [email protected]

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Permutations On Edo Governorship Election 2024



By Professor Echefuna’ R G ONYEBEADI

The die is cast! By September 21, 2024 (roughly twenty four hours from now), Edo people shall vote for who will be the next governor of their State.
The stake seems to be very high. It’s most likely to be a “roforofo” show between the “haves” and the “have nots”. Between wits and brawns; and between “godsons” and the “godfatherless”.
The election is poised to be a straight fight between three categories of people viz (not in a particular order):
1. The Elites
2. The Idealists
3. The Vulnerables (terminology loosely used).

The forthcoming election is for three political parties namely: APC, LP and PDP (in alphabetical order), to win or lose.

PDP represents the Elites group. Labour Party (LP) represents the Idealists group while the APC represents the Vulnerables group in the forthcoming election.


Whereas APC has the “Federal Might” (don’t ask me what that means), APC as a political, a former Governor and a humongous flow of money that is flowing from doubtful sources; PDP has the “power of incumbency” (please, don’t ask me what that means), a sitting governor and some unhindered flow of the State’s money, but without the global support of PDP as a political party.
The LP does not have those skewed “advantages” of both the APC and the PDP, but they have the full backing of the “Obidients” with a divided LP as a political party.

Ordinarily, going by “Nigerian factor” (again, please, don’t ask me what that means) on election matters among others, the election would have been for the APC to lose. But, it may not be so this time by a combination of factors.

PDP may have just had an easy win as the political party in power in the State, but again, that may not be so by a combination of factors.

The LP may have just lost the election outrightly in the fight for power between the trio of APC, PDP and LP, but again, that may not be so due to a combination of factors.


So, who then does the odds favour to win the forthcoming governorship election in Edo State? Wait for it!

By simple logic and by the unwritten principles of zoning and rotation, the governorship election is ordinarily for the Edo Central zone to pick, more so, considering the fact that, in this new political dispensation from 1999 to date, Edo South has produced governors twice spanning 16 years out of 25 years. Edo North has produced a governor for 8 years while Edo Central had produced a governor by default for just about one year, off record.

If the general perception of the incumbent Governor’s ‘poor’ performance connotes reality, then, it will be a very herculean task for the current PDP “controlled” State government to win the forthcoming governorship election in Edo State.

This apart, the latent “Omonoba” factor is a very big abartross that will be very difficult if not impossible for the current PDP led government of the State to overcome.


Going by the unprecedented, multifaceted and highly excruciating pains inflicted on Nigerians by the APC led Federal Government, it may be very difficult to convince the Edo people at this time, that their lots will be better served with a replication of an APC governor in the State.

Besides, the APC governorship candidate cuts across as a person bereft of original ideas, pedestrian and lacks self confidence/self esteem.

So, what would have ordinarily been an edge of having the so-called “Federal Might” and a favoured geopolitical zone, may backfire to cause a fatal political damage to the APC and its candidate.

The APC’s zonal factor sentiments of “tiwa ni tiwa” (our own is our own) and/or “it is our turn” ( awa lo kan) with an inappropriate candidate may really be offensive to the sensibilities and sensitivity of a people who had produced political juggernauts in the past in the persons of Chief Anthony Enahoro, Professor Ambrose Alli and Chief Tony Anenih, just to mention a few.


APC seems to have an inappropriate candidate for a zone that is ordinarily favoured to produce the next governor.

Another fear to contend with is that of an overbearing APC god father which may not synchronize well with the psyche of many Edo people at this time.

Therefore, what may have become a disadvantage to APC’s candidate would have naturally become a clear advantage for the PDP candidate, considering that Edo Central is the favoured zone to produce the next governor. But, it may not turn out to be so.

The PDP candidate is elitist, highly educated, but seems imposed on the people and even supposedly alien to his own people.


The PDP candidate seems to have the right credentials and/or pedigree, coming from a private sector but, his involvement in the current PDP led supposedly “failed” government and close association with a perceived “failed” incumbent Governor of the State is a big abbartross for the PDP candidate.

It may also be difficult for Edo people at this time to accept a political neophyte they hardly knew who is seemingly being put forward by a perceived “non performing” PDP godfather Governor!

It may be instructive at this juncture to note that, the so called rotation/zoning of elective political offices is not by any known law.

There hasn’t been any time that elective positions and particularly, that of governorship elections in Edo State have been exclusively restricted to and/or reserved solely, wholly and entirely for any particular zone without the active participation of the other zones.


Otherwise, an Obaseki wouldn’t have been put forward and became governor for 8 years after an Igbinedion had previously governed for eight (8 ) years, when they are both from the same geopolitical zone of Edo South, without other zones taking their turns prior to.

There has never been any time all the zones didn’t present candidates for elections for governorship in the past.

Therefore, the present sentiments for the Edo Central zone to produce the next governor is neither a right nor any agreement by the stakeholders and citizens of Edo State. It can only be hinged on pleas, persuasions, negotiations, building bridges across the geopolitical divides and on moral ground. The clamour for zoning is not enforceable by any law.

Though the yearnings for zoning the governorship this time to Edo Central is justifiable based on the doctrines of equity, fairness and justice. It is also imperative to note that, one of the maxims of equity states that: he who must come to equity must do so with clean hands!


Then, the pertinent question that needs an answer is: how clean are the hands of Edo Central stakeholders in producing inappropriate candidates that seem to be incurably deficient in the art and science of modern governance and/or unable to effectively communicate, with the added curiosity of being led and spoken for in their own campaigns by controversial people with lots of questionable baggage?

Flowing from the aforementioned therefore, it is my considered opinion that, the cloak of zoning elective positions, good as it may, is not a stand alone prerogative and can not rightly overshadow the overall interest and wellbeing of the citizens of the State.

While plying the route of zoning sentiments, it is only proper that competence, credibility, accountability, transparency and acceptability should not be sacrificed on the altars of incurable defective baggage and zoning.

Now, let’s consider some basic statistics.
According to the data from INEC, a total of 2,210,534 people registered to vote in the Edo Governorship election of Saturday, September 21, 2024.
Out of this number, only 1,726,738 people have collected their permanent voter cards (PVCs) while 483,796 PVCs are yet to be collected.


The breakdown of eligible voters for each of the Edo state’s three geopolitical zones and the 18 Local Government Areas in alphabetical order are as follows:

*Edo Central (LGAs)*:
1. Esan Central – 57,100
2. Esan North East – 80,245
3. Esan South East – 76,842
4. Esan West – 99,983
5. Igueben – 46, 828
*Total = 364,998 or 16.51%*

*Edo North (LGAs)*:
1. Akoko Edo – 119,254
2. Etsako Central – 50,058
3. Etsako East – 81, 639
4. Etsako West – 160,137
5. Owan East – 91,841
6. Owan West – 61, 193
*Total = 564, 122 or 25.52%*

*Edo South (LGAs)*:
1. Egor – 219,832
2. Ikpoba Okha – 315,410
3. Oredo – 313,553
4. Orhinmwon – 118,672
5. Ovia North East – 143,009
6. Ovia South West – 96,409
7. Uhunmwode – 74,529
*Total = 1,281,414 or 57.97%*


From the foregoing, it could be observed that *Edo Central has the least number of Local Government Areas (LGAs) with the least number of eligible voters, which is only 16.51% of the total number of eligible voters in Edo State.*

*Edo North has the second highest number of LGAs and the second highest number of eligible voters, which is 25.52% of the total number of eligible voters in Edo State.*

*Edo South has the highest number of eligible voters which is 57.97% of the total number of eligible voters in Edo State*

It may also be noticed that, Edo South alone where the LP candidate comes from, constitutes more than twice of the total number of eligible voters in both Edo Central and Edo North combined!


Therefore, with all the variables and factors considered, the LP’s candidate for the forthcoming governorship election in Edo State may jolly well cruise to victory by default; more so if Edo South people decide to vote for their own, in addition to the palpable “Omonoba” sentiments as evidenced in recent massive protests in Benin City against the perceived enemies of the Oba of the ancient Benin kingdom.

In that case, the remnant votes of the Edo Central people which may be majorly shared by the two prominent candidates from that zone and that of the Edo North, which may mainly favour the candidate of the former governor from that zone, the overall effect may be such that will eventually tend to be insignificant.

All things considered, if the forthcoming election in Edo State is peaceful, free, fair, transparent and credible, all that the LP’s candidate needs to win the election is to secure a huge majority vote from his Edo South people and then, make some strategic inroads into the other two zones to get the mandatory 25% of the votes cast in 2-3rd of the LGAs of the State.

This simply translates to having the majority of the total votes cast as well as 25% of the votes cast in 12 (twelve) LGAs of Edo State.


How these pans out will be an interesting watch!

In the final analysis, the ultimate decisions on who to vote for and/or against in the forthcoming governorship election in Edo State rests squarely on Edo State people. We wait to see!

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By Smart Kole Ogunleye

It’s not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
– Charles Darwin

Prince Funso Ayeni, a young, relentless philanthropist with an undying passion for excellence and a goal-getter has yet again adorned a significant feather to his cap, bagged a PhD in “Management from Walden University, USA, 2024.

Specializing in Leadership and Organizational Strategy, with his research thesis dwelling largely on ‘EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ‘ a pivotal roles in moderating leadership success and influencing societal needs by equipping leaders with the ability to effectively understand, manage, and respond to both their own emotions and the emotions of others.


“Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success.” – Daniel Goleman

This remarkable achievement adds to both his already impressive professional and academic profile, showcasing his dedication to lifelong learning, personal growth and a testament to his belief that no obstacle is too big to overcome when one is determined to achieve their purpose.

Prince Funso Ayeni’s academic path is both diverse and impressive. He began his higher education journey at the Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, where he distintively earned a Higher National Diploma in Mineral Resources Engineering in 2002. His pursuit of knowledge led him to the Federal University of Technology Akure where he obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Geophysics . Never relenting! He advanced his education at Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomosho, earning a Master of Business Administration in 2010.

Prince Ayeni’s quest for excellence took him abroad to the University of Salford, UK, where he completed a Master of Science in 2018. Furthering his academic credentials, he achieved a Master of Philosophy from Walden University, USA, in 2023. His most recent and crowning academic accomplishment is his PhD in Management from Walden University in 2024, with a specialization in Leadership and Organizational Strategy.


Ayeni’s journey underscores the importance of resilience and perseverance. He has continually sought to improve himself academically, driven by a desire to become a scholar-practitioner, advance the greater good, become a better thinker, and gain a competitive edge in the market and a role model to the teeming youths in search of positive mentorship against the misrepresentation of “EDUCATION is SCAM” who will leverage this notable path for inspirations.

With this new academic feat, Prince Funso Ayeni’s participation in the political arena is set to reach new heights. His PhD in Management equips him with advanced knowledge and skills that will enhance his leadership capabilities. This academic achievement not only solidifies his reputation as a thought leader but also positions him to contribute more effectively to political discourse and decision-making. Ayeni’s success story will undoubtedly inspire many young politicians to pursue higher education and strive for excellence in their careers.

In Ilamo, Prince Funso Ayeni’s hometown, his PhD achievement is more than just a personal milestone; it’s a beacon of hope and inspiration. This accomplishment highlights the possibilities that lie within the community, encouraging others to pursue their dreams despite the challenges they may face. The local community in abuzz with pride and admiration for Ayeni’s dedication and perseverance.

Exploring the hidden treasure and the role of Emotional intelligence in strategy formulation and implementation, Prince Funso Ayeni’s new feat will not just be an academic title; it will be a testament to his deep understanding of industry dynamics and leadership principles. His extensive experience in various sectors, coupled with his advanced studies, will further enable him to make significant contributions to the industry. Ayeni’s insights and innovations are set to drive progress and development, showcasing the vital role that education plays in enhancing industry practices. His journey underscores the importance of continuous learning and its impact on professional success.


Prince Funso Ayeni’s story is a powerful narrative of determination, leadership, and the transformative power of education. His journey from a privileged background to earning a PhD serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for many. As he continues to impact various spheres of life, his story encourages us all to pursue our dreams with unwavering resolve and a commitment to excellence.

“Education is never a scam, as maliciously postulated by minds in self-denial.”

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Google AI funds for Nigerian startups



By Sonny Aragba-Akpore

Sometime last week ,the government of Nigeria in collaboration with Google Africa began what could turn around the fortunes of startups with the launch of One hundred million naira (N100m) fund in Lagos.

The fund, to be overseen by the National Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (NCAIR), is believed to align with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s vision to position Nigeria as a leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) development.

Communications,Innovation and Digital Economy Minister,Bosun Tijani tweeted on Tuesday,September 10 that “today we launched the N100million Artificial Intelligence Fund in collaboration with @googleafrica aimed at supporting Nigerian startups leveraging AI to build innovative solutions.”


Expected to be managed by NCAIR,the funds will enable startups to deliver cutting edge technologies for developing AI for economic growth.
Although,this initiative looks tempting for the startups,some stakeholders see it as a drop in the ocean.
Despite the misgivings of some stakeholders,government thinks the AI fund is expected to spur technological progress across Africa, empowering entrepreneurs to solve real-world problems through AI.

By providing critical financial and strategic backing, the collaboration sets a new benchmark for digital innovation across the continent, offering African startups a chance to drive economic growth and technological development.

Google’s involvement highlights its commitment to Africa’s digital future according to Olumide Balogun, Google’s West Africa Director, noting that the partnership aligns with Google’s focus on developing Africa-centric solutions and promoting digital innovation on the continent.

“In addition to financial support, the selected startups will gain access to Google’s AI tools, mentorship, and a global network of experts and investors, helping them scale their businesses and expand beyond Nigeria.”


“Eligible startups must be based in Nigeria, have at least one Nigerian founder, and focus on AI-driven solutions with strong market potential. Applications will be open from September 10 to September 25, 2024, with winners announced in October.”

“Tijani explained that the government’s pivotal role in shaping AI policy, which we believe will have long-term effects on both the public and private sectors is a drive in the right direction “.
“If we get it right in the public sector, it will permeate the private sector, transforming national lives and shaping the future of our country,” Tijani stated during the launch.

“The government is also working on a National Artificial Intelligence Strategy to guide future policies and foster AI growth across multiple industries.”

Announced on September 10, 2024, this initiative aims to foster AI innovation and entrepreneurship in Nigeria’s rapidly growing tech ecosystem.


On July 31,2024 Google for Startups Accelerator Africa announced its 8th cohort of 10 startups joining its Africa Accelerator Programme, a three-month virtual initiative designed to help African startups leverage technology to address some of the continent’s most pressing challenges.

Chosen from nearly 1,000 applications, the startups from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and Uganda demonstrate the vibrant talent and innovation within Africa’s tech scene.

Google highlighted the crucial role startups play in driving economic growth and technological progress in Africa.

“These startups are not only creating jobs but also improving living standards by developing tailored solutions to local challenges, Google noted, despite the ongoing “funding winter” in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Since its launch in 2018, the Google for Startups Accelerator Africa programme has supported 106 startups across 17 African countries, helping them raise over $263 million and creating more than 2,800 direct jobs, underscoring the programme,s impact on the continent’s tech landscape.


This year’s cohort focuses heavily on artificial intelligence, emphasizing the role of advanced technologies in addressing Africa’s critical challenges.

The N100 million fund is designed to support Nigerian startups leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to develop innovative solutions, and this initiative is part of the broader National AI Strategy published in August, 2024 aimed at integrating AI into various sectors of the Nigerian economy to drive growth and societal well-being.

The AI Fund provides Nigerian startups with the resources they need to develop and scale their AI solutions.

The NCAIR believes that AI has the potential to address local challenges and contribute to Nigeria’s economic growth. By supporting Nigerian startups, the NCAIR hopes to foster homegrown innovation.


Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize various industries and sectors in Nigeria. From agriculture and healthcare to education and finance, AI can improve efficiency, productivity, and decision-making. By investing in AI, Nigeria can position itself as a leader in the global technology landscape.
In April 2024, the Ministry held the Artificial Intelligence Strategy Workshop bringing together key stakeholders to discuss the future of AI in Nigeria. This was followed by the release of the National AI Intelligence Strategy in August, which outlined the country’s roadmap for integrating AI into various sectors to enhance growth and societal well-being. The AI Fund is a significant step in actualizing these plans, providing Nigerian startups with the necessary resources to innovate and scale their AI solutions.

The AI Fund is open to Nigerian-based startups that are focused on AI-driven technology solutions with the potential for significant impact.

Selected startups will receive up to ₦10 million in funding, along with access to Google’s extensive resources, including AI tools, mentorship, and a global network designed to help them scale their innovations.
When it rose from its 2024 yearly conference last week,the International Standard Organization (ISO) listed a number of issues relating to AI including standards to follow and ethical practices.

“With an ability to synthesize, analyse and act on enormous amounts of data in seconds, artificial intelligence is extremely powerful. As with any powerful technology, it is crucial we implement it responsibly to maximize on its potential while minimizing negative impacts”, ISO wrote.
For example, if trained using unscrutinized data, AI can replicate harmful biases about race, religion, upbringing or other human characteristics. This could be potentially disastrous if embedded in artificial intelligence used in health, recruitment, law or other human-centred applications.


“Another of the key ethical concerns surrounding AI is privacy. With AI systems collecting vast amounts of data from databases worldwide, there is a need to ensure that personal information is protected and used responsibly. For example, facial recognition technology, often used in security systems or social media platforms, raises questions about consent and potential misuse.”

“Ensuring the responsible development of AI is crucial for its safe, trustworthy and ethical advancement. But how can transparency and explainability be addressed in the context of AI?”

At its core, machine learning refers to the ability of a computer system to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. One example is spam filtering in emails. By detecting similar patterns in spam messages, email platforms can learn what messages are useful, and what should be kept out of the inbox.

“So how does machine learning work? It starts with data. Lots of it.


Machine learning algorithms are trained on huge datasets which they learn to analyse to identify patterns, relationships and trends. These patterns can then be used to make predictions or decisions on new, unseen data.”

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